From the outset after acts of violence involving guns, knives, drugs and gangs the
media, societies, usually special
interest groups and those involved, including the perpetrators, ALL attempt first to lay the blame on the police officers and society as a whole BUT never on those who directly caused the rioting, looting or shootings, beatings, rapes or drug deals? It seems everyone is reluctant to lay out the facts about crime by race, colour or ethnic background.
interest groups and those involved, including the perpetrators, ALL attempt first to lay the blame on the police officers and society as a whole BUT never on those who directly caused the rioting, looting or shootings, beatings, rapes or drug deals? It seems everyone is reluctant to lay out the facts about crime by race, colour or ethnic background.
What are the
reasons for this? One obvious reason is the fact that " According to
72.2 % of the U.S. population, fatherlessness is the most significant family or
social problem facing America.
Along with facts that academia's new norm of Political correctness!
Social justice
for all and a revised new world order introduced by bureaucrats so politicians and society, in general, would no longer have to tell it like it is or acknowledge the facts
that some humans are failures and lack ambition in life. You see special
interest groups along with unelected bureaucrats
and technocrats' agenda for a never-ending push for their socialistic
collectivization policy that winning is not important and failure is not
permitted to exist any longer? This philosophy is total BS.
Let’s keep those
thoughts for another day as we know and have known for the past 75 years
that individuals who fail to obtain a high school degree are more than twice as
likely to fall into poverty along with the fact that a majority of these kids today have no fathers in their daily lives.
We also have the
stats confirming that for the past 30 years or more poverty rates throughout North America are highest amongst Blacks, be they African
American or African Canadian, aboriginals, Hispanics and Immigrants having English
as a Second Language and Students in rural communities.
At least for the last century, the very first cause of poverty, prosperity and inequality relates back to the individuals' lack of basic education, parental guidance and family supervision.
Our children do not learn when we continue down the path of
lowering educational standards so no one fails as a feel-good political policy
and they shall continue to drop out of school and the cycle of more problems
continue as they will not be in a position to be gainfully employable due to
their lack of education.
And thus the disparity of incomes in society between dropouts and
professionals or those with a basic educational foundation of a high school
diploma or trade shall remain very high, which goes to show the importance of
education in eradicating poverty.
Throughout North
America, only 41% of Black men graduate
from high school and 69% of black children cannot read at grade level in the
4Th grade, compared with 29% among white children.
85% of the government’s welfare spending and 80% of inmates in
federal jails, the majority of them being inner-city black kids, aboriginals, immigrants, (ESL) students along with students in rural
communities is spent on these groups within society.

Well so be it,
because the unprecedented amount of tax dollars being spent on social programs
for social justice over the past fifty years has NOT solved an individual’s
prosperity, inequality or poverty.
Because the facts
keep telling us that what has always been needed was for one to take full
responsibility for one’s own life by first getting elementary and secondary
education that has been free to all groups within society.
By dropping out
of school both the parents and kids obviously do not understand or accept the fact that to achieve as high social status as possible and to avoid self-inflicted shame and humiliation they must at least finish high school and get a
Hopefully today within
society more and more people are taking notice of the fact that simply food
provision, health care programs and monetary welfare handouts in no way are
helping in the eradication of poverty.
Just the opposite
as it prolongs one's existence and reliance on such handouts.
With close to
50,000 kids in Canada annually dropping out of school coupled with the existing 3,500,000 MILLION plus individuals between the ages of 18 to 35 who lack a high school
education and are the leading burden on Canada’s welfare, health care, and
prison systems you think these kids, society and the career politicians with their
respective political parties would get the picture.
Education itself
is not a complicated issue and as a society, we do not need any new models that
will improve the educational outcomes for individual students.
What is urgently
needed is a far greater personal effort and commitment by black students
themselves and their parents or parent to finish high school and get their
individual diplomas or trade as their personal investment within society.
We must demand
that our youth be required to remain in school classrooms, trades school or
apprenticeship programs that continually demand excellence in reading,
writing, math and sciences until the age of 21 if they have not graduated.
“Without a high school
education or trade, the individual person will not have the basic and necessary
essential tools required throughout life for successfully pursuing a logical
deliberate purpose in achieving as high a social
status as possible and to avoid self-inflicted shame and humiliation as
a human being,” Peter Clarke.
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Thanks for your thoughts, comments and opinions, will be in touch. Peter Clarke