Thanks to the decisions of non elected technocrats,
bureaucrats, the IMF, World Bank whose funds and directors are for the most
part all supported and financed from Canadian, American, European, African,
Asian, South American, etc taxpayer collected revenues by our governments
as part and parcel of the new world order of sleazy politics.
Any Canadian or American not alarmed by this EU action in
Cyprus is either brain dead or oblivious to the reality of the warning signs of
government corruption, spending and borrowing related to this worldwide
financial crisis in the form of continuing bailouts on the backs of citizens
and not corporations, banks, union organizations and special interest groups.
Every individual and families hard-earned after-tax
dollars are not that safe in our banking systems and could be taxed for a
second time for bank and government bailouts around the globe with you having
a vote or any honest political discussion on such tax cash grab.
Without any advanced public warning or political input from
political party representative in Cyprus on Saturday March 16, 2013 somebody
from the Cypriot government endorsed and agreed to conditions, demanded by non
elected European Union technocrats and bureaucrats.
Along with representatives from the IMF and the World Bank
these publicly closed-door meetings stipulated a condition for a 13% to 9 % tax
on all the lifelong after-tax savings accounts of residents and citizens of
Cyprus as one of many hidden conditions demanded by the European Union and its
international monetary fund supports for a $13 Billion dollar bailout fund.
A cash grab and stealing of citizens savings that have
already been previously taxed through earnings or investment taxes etc. that
can be compared to the 2001 Argentina governments freezing 100% of all a
citizens’ and residents savings and bank accounts which they said was for two
years but as of today ¾ of these funds have NOT been returned to individual
In 1979 however, it was the elected representatives from all political parties in the Ontario legislature in Canada who first introduced and passed an illegal government motion to freeze the bank accounts and assets of a resident of Ontario and Canadian citizen.
This act of criminality by the Ontario legislature was later found to be ultra vires (beyond their legal power) thanks to the tireless efforts of Eric R. Murray, Toronto’s best litigation lawyer in my opinion.
In 1979 however, it was the elected representatives from all political parties in the Ontario legislature in Canada who first introduced and passed an illegal government motion to freeze the bank accounts and assets of a resident of Ontario and Canadian citizen.
This act of criminality by the Ontario legislature was later found to be ultra vires (beyond their legal power) thanks to the tireless efforts of Eric R. Murray, Toronto’s best litigation lawyer in my opinion.
That attempt at freezing a citizen’s assets and bank
accounts in Ontario Canada, in my opinion, goes to highlight the deceptive and
thug like behavioural attitude and actions of all political party legislative
members and their non elected technocrats and bureaucrats.
What Canadians and the rest of humanity is witnessing in
Cyprus is the beginning of the greatest government robbery of citizens savings
account in the history of humanity in the name of failed banks, corporations
and governments.
I have stated for a while now that the European Union is not
constituted on the basis of, for the people by the people, rather by political
parties for their party controlled government propped up by their puppet
representatives of the party, not the voters and operated, managed and
controlled by non elected technocrats and bureaucrats around the globe.

Each of us must decide whether our savings are any longer save in the hands of financial institutions that are protected by governments and their political parties.
Cyprus-Style “Bail-Ins” Proposed In The
New 2013 Canadian Government Budget!
More news:
Cyprus legislators remain unconvinced.
parliament is called to legalize a decision to rob depositors blind, against
every written and unwritten law," said Yiannakis Omirou, speaker of
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Thanks for your thoughts, comments and opinions, will be in touch. Peter Clarke