What is transpiring in Cyprus is the
inception for governments around the world to claim, albeit illegal, that they
can tax your bank accounts and thus electronically drain a percentage of your
savings, investment or business accounts to pay off government debt or bailout
banks and other countries.
The EU, itself propped up by the IMF and other financial
institutions, through its’ commission as urged on by the IMF, World Bank came
up with this proposal to tax all citizen, resident and corporate savings accounts
in Cyprus.
The speaker of the Cypriot parliament correctly and honestly
labelled it for what it is:
"Essentially parliament is called to legalize a decision to
rob depositor’s blind, against every written and unwritten law."
The revenue taxing schema was
introduced by EU and IMF technocrats and bureaucrats and is similar in nature
and consequences to that of the Townshend Acts in June of 1767.
Since 1764 and prior governments
have continued their search for money from citizens and residents for the simple reason that governments Do Not have money of their own!
All their revenues come from your
earnings, no matter where it is, through taxation, double taxation and now
triple taxation of your earnings, profits, savings, pensions, investment income
and even ones assets at death.
These financial crises of the
European Union along with current national and international banking and
governmental financial mismanagement are the results of greed and unsustainable
social programs conceived and conspired between banks, international financial
institutions, regulators, political parties and governments combined.
Our public apathy with the closed
door decisions and behind the scenes politics between political parties coupled
with a general lack of knowledge or indifference to the complex intertwined
business practices between banks, financial institutions, and political parties
and their appointed technocrats and career bureaucrats we as voters and
taxpayers continue searching for answers in the wrong places and from the same
incompetent and greed-driven sources.
Citizens, residents, tourists,
small business owners and corporations from around the world are all depositors
and should today realize and understand that there is now no protection for
after-tax earnings anywhere in the world.
Including such places as Luxembourg , Panama ,
Anguilla, Gibraltar, Dominican, Nevis, the Bahamas ,
Seychelles , Switzerland , Cayman Islands, Puerto
Rico , Singapore
or Romania
from new government tax levies on assets or cash deposited with banks or
financial institutions in deposit boxes, savings or business accounts.
Also, the public should come to the political reality and understanding of the events that lead up to and caused this worldwide financial mess and governmental bailout fiasco around the globe.
To date, not one career party
politician, banker, politically appointed, technocrats
or career bureaucrat has been charged for lack of due diligence, breach of
trust, fraud and conspiracy to deregulate monetary financial safeguards for
investors or the public in general?
Thanks to Lia Glykis for
sending me a copy of the article herein attached bellow @ to this comment.
It is another profoundly interesting and thought-provoking analysis and
commentary on perhaps the beginning of the end of the euro and the eurozone.
Up Date!
Cyprus-Style “Bail-Ins” Proposed In The New 2013 Canadian Government Budget!
Yet the bailouts continue!
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Thanks for your thoughts, comments and opinions, will be in touch. Peter Clarke