Would it
be fair to say, that
Toronto ’s mainstream
media has become over zealous, in their never ending goal in attempting to
force the ideals and beliefs of gays, lesbians and bisexual on all
Torontonians, through their efforts to create a society that must conform to
only one viewpoint?
As when
individuals do not conform to this rigid view of acceptance the media backed by
these special interest groups rush to a personal judgment and immediately label
those Torontonians or others as being homophobic?
For example
the actual Latin South American translation of “Tu ere Maricon” is You are
Gay", nothing more, nothing less!
Torontonians or others who
refer to gays as being gay are definitely NOT uttering a homophobic slur as the
media and these special interest groups would like us all to believe based on
their own bias and rush to judgment.
Such hasty critical analysis
and personal judgments made against those Torontonians or other peoples from
around the world is itself a form of bullying and creates a reverse method of
Therefore why is it that the
media seems to cast people as purely statistics or a deck of cards, when we are

All Torontonians as individuals have lives,
relationships, families, reject or accept social trends and have that right and
freedom to make choices without being bullied, coerced or intimidated by either side of an issue?
Perhaps if gays seek do not wish to be publicly identified as gays then they
themselves are HETERO PHOBIC individuals!
Or if a heterosexual can be so easily labelled as a homophobic for his beliefs and ideals of wanting to keep marriage solely between a man and a woman, then obviously a gay or lesbian individual should be as easily labelled a heterophobe for their ideas and demands for changing marriage laws around the globe to legalize heterophobia within society as a special interest group?
Or if a heterosexual can be so easily labelled as a homophobic for his beliefs and ideals of wanting to keep marriage solely between a man and a woman, then obviously a gay or lesbian individual should be as easily labelled a heterophobe for their ideas and demands for changing marriage laws around the globe to legalize heterophobia within society as a special interest group?