Is Susan Rice, the Obama’s administration
appointed ambassador to the United Nations, a complete imbecile or is it that
she and the administration are not capable of mentally grasping the fact that
radical Muslims and their silent followers despise all non Muslims and further
do not accept the freedoms of religion, speech, equal rights for women etc as
guaranteed within the Constitution of the USA and other civilized democracies?
Radical Muslim Imams and their Islamic
Extremists Followers are showing their hatred for all non Muslims and all
civilians of other religions around the World.
Such groups including Al-Qaeda continue
to show the world population of non Muslims their intolerance and
disrespect for all humans who hold or practice different faiths than that of
their own warped interpretation of Islam.
They continually declare an open ended war
of religion against all infidels, non Muslims, until all infidels are
forcefully converted to their interpretation of Islam or institutionalized
through their totalitarian regimes by means of discrimination, murder or
They are using Muslims and the religion of Islam as a guise
for their own political ideology while the other religions of the world standby
watching in disbelief and fail to react with words until after the fact of each
and well planned out attacks on non Muslim citizens from around the world.

It seems that any moderate Muslims are only to be found
within the Obama administration, as all the other so called MODERATE Muslims
seem to assimilate the past behaviour of citizens within Germany and
around the world during the second world war who saw nothing, heard nothing, or
new nothing about the killings and inhumane treatment of various religious
groups and persons during the totalitarian reign of the third Reich in
While the US administration and its United Nations ambassador
Susan Rice have there respective heads in the sand, the new Libyan
President Mohammed Magarief insists that the attacks
were definitely planned by foreigners from Mali and Algeria who
entered Libya a few months ago and had been planning criminal acts since their
arrival in Libya.
Will the Obama administration ever wake up to the obvious
fact that the people of Middle East must solve there own problems as
the American taxpayers can no longer afford to send money to these Muslim
Brotherhood governments that continue arising from the ashes of the American
backed Arab spring uprisings around that region?