Monday, May 27, 2024

Palestine/Gaza Does Not Meet De Facto (ACTUAL) Requirements OF Statehood


Palestine or the land mass of Gaza, at this point and time, cannot legally be considered a state under international law.

The ICC and ICJ have made a political not legally binding decision on Israel, Palestine, or Gaza. The ICC and ICJ have ignored the requirements for granting statehood and have made decisions based solely on political ideologies and not international legal grounds.

The ICJ is known, as the World Court, a UN body for hearing disputes between states and Gaza and or Palestine are NOT States under international law.

1.         Palestine/Gaza does not meet the de facto requirements of statehood as it lacks independent control over its population, territory, government, and foreign relations. While it has some recognition and a degree of self-determination, it does not achieve de jure statehood under international law. For the ICC and ICJ to recognize Palestine/Gaza as a state/statehood prematurely it shall continue to destabilize the region further.

2.         For Gaza or Palestine to meet the legal requirements for a state/statehood first a group i.e. Hamas that is or has been designated as a terrorist organization, as a legitimate government under international law, it must “unequivocally renounce terrorism and cease all terrorist activities.” Hamas’s stated Mission is “Murder Jews; “Obliteration” of Israel. “

3.         Hamas and the Palestinian Authority must both disarm, and demobilization of all armed terrorist factions are crucial steps for even being legally considered for statehood/state and further have demonstrated significant shifts in both the group's behaviour and the perceptions of the international community.

4.         Compliance with International Law: The group must commit to and comply with international humanitarian and human rights laws and not be a terrorist organization or supporter of terrorism.

5.         While the PLO transitioned through peace processes, recognized Israel's right to exist, and gained recognition as the representative of the Palestinian people under Article 3 of the Draft United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples defines self-determination as the right of an entity to “freely determine their political status and freely pursue their economic, social and cultural development. Nowhere is it stated that the right to self-determination equals a right to statehood.  Israel has granted Palestine numerous powers in which it has obtained a great degree of self-determination.

6.         Palestine/Gaza is an autonomous entity, not a state. 

7.         The UN considers Palestine an international organization rather than a state.  States may individually recognize Palestine, but the international community as a whole does not recognize Palestine as a state.  Therefore, Palestine is not a state by de jure standards as well.

8.         A state must have the ability to engage in diplomatic and foreign relations with other states. The DOP Article XI creates an Israeli-Palestinian Economic Cooperation Committee to promote the development of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. Palestine therefore cannot enter into economic agreements with other states without the approval of Israel.

9.         Section 2 of Article IX on Laws and Military Orders reiterates this point: “Both parties will review jointly laws and military orders presently in remaining spheres.” Under the terms of both the Interim Agreements and the Declaration of Principles, it is clear that the powers Palestine possesses do not extend to the realm of foreign relations.  By signing these agreements, Palestine acknowledged and accepted its inability to conduct foreign relations.  Without this fourth component, Palestine has not achieved de facto statehood.

10.       Palestine’s ability to enter foreign relations is severely limited by the Interim Accord of 1995.  Article IX, Section 5, which lays out the Powers and Responsibilities of the Palestinian Council, states that: “…the Council will not have powers and responsibilities in the sphere of foreign relations, which sphere includes the establishment abroad of embassies, consulates or other types of foreign missions and posts or permitting their establishment in the West Bank or the Gaza Strip, the appointment of or admission of diplomatic consular staff and the exercise of diplomatic relations [emphasis added].”

11.       Furthermore, the 1994 Agreement of the Gaza Strip and Jericho calls for the creation of a joint committee called the Civil Affairs and Cooperation Committee to handle civil affairs in the region. Members from both Israel and Palestine are to meet once a month to discuss civil matters including infrastructure, licensing, hospitalization, transportation and other such matters. In this agreement, Israel also states it has authority over “the Settlements, the Military Installation Area, Israelis, external security, internal security and public order” and “shall exercise its authority through its military government” in the region. This again shows that it is Israel who has the overriding authority of the area. 

12.       An entity must have a government to be considered a state.  The Encyclopedia of Public International Law states that “the government, in exercising its power, must be capable of acting independently of foreign governments.” Palestine does not possess such independence for it rules under the overarching authority of Israel.  The Declaration of Principles (DOP), which was signed by both sides, gave limited powers to the Palestinian National Authority.

13.       In UN General Assembly Resolution 181, the United Nations called for a partition of the land into both a Jewish State and an Arabic State.  Resolution 181 is often used as evidence of Palestine’s sovereign title over the West Bank and Gaza Strip, though this remains unfounded. The United Nations tried to create a state, which goes well beyond the powers granted to it by the UN Charter.  As stated in Chapter IV, Article 10, UN resolutions are only recommendations and not binding laws. Furthermore, the UN abandoned Resolution 181 with the passing of Security Council Resolutions 2428 and 3389.

14.       Palestine’s rejection of Resolution 181 that prevented its adoption. In the Palestine National Charter, Article 19 states that “The Partition of Palestine, which took place in 1947, and the establishment of Israel, are fundamentally invalid.” For decades Palestinians have declared the partition void, therefore rejecting sovereign title to the area. 

15.       By signing the Declaration of Principles (DOP) in 1993, Palestine acknowledges that the sovereign title of the West Bank and Gaza Strip had not yet been resolved.  Article V of the DOP states that future permanent status negotiations shall cover the issue of borders in the future, but as of right now, Palestine does not have sovereignty over the land. The DOP and latter agreements granted certain powers to Palestine but never sovereign title over the land.

16.       As stated by the Third U.S. Restatement of the Law, the population must be “under the control of its own government.” While Palestine has been granted many powers over its people, it is still not independent of Israeli control.

17.       Palestine does not have sovereign title over the West Bank or the Gaza Strip.  The area was granted to Israel as early as 1917 by the British in the Balfour Declaration. In the Balfour Declaration, Britain recognized the need for a Jewish state and granted the Palestinian land for this purpose.  Later Britain turned the issue of a Jewish state over to the League of Nations, but the Balfour Declaration was upheld through the Mandate for Palestine.

18.       The Permanent Court of International Justice, the UN Special Commission on Palestine, and the Council of the League continue to uphold the Mandate for Palestine.

19.       Palestine/Gaza is not officially recognized as a fully independent country by the United Nations.

20.       The Balfour Declaration, issued by the British government in 1917, did not directly address the issue of a Palestine homeland or self-determination for the people of Palestine.

21.       The Sykes-Picot Agreement, as outlined in the correspondence between Sir Edward Grey and Paul Cambon, did not specifically guarantee a homeland or nation for Palestine. And the Sykes-Picot Agreement did not directly address the issue of a Palestine homeland or self-determination for the people of Palestine or grant the people of Palestine, or any other specific region, the right to determine their future.

22.       The letters exchanged between Husayn and McMahon hinted at possible future arrangements and cooperation between the Arab leaders and the British, there were no explicit assurances of independence for the Arabs, particularly regarding Palestine. There was no explicit indication of an agreement or commitment by the Allies to grant the people of Palestine, or any other specific region, the right to determine their future. Therefore, it cannot be assumed from these letters alone that there was an international commitment by the Allies to grant such rights to the people of Palestine.

23.       The refusal by the Arab population of the mandate territory to accept Resolution 181 demonstrated that they were not interested in establishing their own state if it meant allowing the existence of a Jewish state. This opposition to acknowledging the right of a Jewish state to exist still lies at the core of the conflict.

24.       How can there be between Palestine and Israel or advance peace when none of the Arab universities has a center for teaching the thought, practice, and study of peace? When most of the publications focus on conflict rather than peacebuilding? When the educational curriculum teaches hatred, enmity, antisemitism, and death rather than celebrating life, moderation, and reconciliation? When Hamas terrorists and extremists are celebrated, and peacemakers and moderates are labelled traitors? We need to change our mindset and culture to achieve peace.

Therefore, for Gaza or Palestine to meet the legal requirements for a state/statehood first a group i.e Hamas that is or has been designated as a terrorist organization, as a legitimate government under international law, it must “unequivocally renounce terrorism and cease all terrorist activities.” Hamas’s stated Mission is “ Murder Jews; “Obliteration” of Israel. “

The ICC/! CJ in their decision was Ultra Vires under law. The Montevideo Convention of 1933 outlines the criteria for statehood, which include a permanent population, defined territory, government, and the capacity to enter into relations with other states. Palestine meets some of these criteria, but its full status remains contentious due to ongoing territorial disputes and the lack of a universally recognized government.

While some countries recognize Palestine as a state and has a certain level of recognition at the UN, it does not have universal recognition or full legal status as a sovereign state in the eyes of all international law or actors.

The panel overstepped its legal authority when it stated and based its ruling on agreeing with Khan’s assessment that the ICC has jurisdiction over the case since Palestine is a state party as per the ICC statute.

Palestine is NOT a State or a country therefore the ruling was Ultra Vires. (beyond the legal power or authority of the person performing an action)

Summary and Analysis

Historical Context

Post-Ottoman Empire: Following World War I, Palestine came under British rule along with other Arab nations.

British Withdrawal: Unlike other Arab states that gained independence, Palestine did not.

Balfour Declaration (1917): Britain supported the establishment of a Jewish homeland in Palestine.

UN Involvement: The United Nations proposed a partition plan in 1947, calling for separate Israeli and Palestinian states. Israel accepted the plan and declared independence in 1948; Palestine rejected it and remains without recognized statehood.

Criteria for Statehood (Montevideo Convention)

Permanent Population:

Palestine has a permanent population with a shared culture and history residing in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

Controversy exists over whether this population is sufficiently governed independently, as per the Third U.S. Restatement of the Law.


Defined Territory:

Palestine does not have sovereign title over the West Bank or Gaza Strip.

The Balfour Declaration and subsequent mandates supported a Jewish state, complicating Palestinian claims to the land.

UN General Assembly Resolution 181 proposed a partition, but this was not binding and was later abandoned.

Palestine’s land is fragmented and lacks clearly defined borders, similar to other unrecognized entities historically.



Palestine has limited self-governance but operates under Israeli authority.

Agreements like the Declaration of Principles (DOP) and Interim Accord outline the limited powers of the Palestinian Authority, granted by Israel.

Palestine lacks independent control over security, economy, and infrastructure.


Capacity to Enter into Relations with Other States:

Palestine cannot independently engage in foreign relations without Israeli cooperation, as outlined in the Interim Accord.

Diplomatic limitations and the inability to form an army hinder its status as a fully independent state.


De Facto vs. De Jure Statehood

De Facto Statehood: Requires actual control over a permanent population, defined territory, government, and foreign relations.

Palestine does not meet these criteria due to Israeli authority and lack of independent control.

De Jure Statehood: Involves legal recognition by other states and international organizations.

Despite recognition by some states, Palestine has not achieved broad international recognition.

Organizations like the UN, WHO, and EU do not recognize Palestine as a state, only granting it Observer Status.


Right to Self-Determination

UN Recognition: The right to self-determination is acknowledged by the UN but does not equate to statehood.

Autonomy vs. Statehood: Palestine has autonomy in areas like education, health, and social welfare, but this does not fulfill the criteria for statehood.

Sunday, May 26, 2024

The World, Neither the ICC nor ICJ Have Honeslty Confronted Iran's Support of Terrorism

Global Power Dynamics and Iran's Influence

Root Causes of Conflicts:

Financial and military support by Iran, UAE, and Egypt.

Proxy wars are driven by strategic and ideological interests.

Iran's Influence and Support:


Designation: Recognized as a terrorist organization.

Support: Substantial financial, military, and logistical aid from Iran.


Designation: Recognized as a terrorist organization.

Support: Funding, weapons, and training from Iran.


Designation: Recognized as a terrorist organization.

Support: Military aid, intelligence, and training from Iran.

The World's Broader Implications

Ideological Influence: Iran supports Shia groups to expand its ideological reach.

Proxy Conflicts: Iran backs factions to counter rivals like Saudi Arabia and the UAE.

Resource Competition: Conflicts over resources like oil.

Arms Trade: Fuels violence and instability.

Geopolitical Interests: Support for factions aligning with regional goals.

Humanitarian Impact: Displacement, casualties, genocide, crimes against humanity, starvation and infrastructure destruction.

Specific Regional Involvement


Strategic interests and regional influence in Sudan and the Horn of Africa.


Nile water dispute and border security with Sudan.


Expanding ideological influence and supporting factions in proxy wars.

Addressing the Issues

Diplomatic Efforts: Mediation to reduce and eliminate external interference and stop the financing

Economic Development: Reducing the appeal of armed conflict.

Regional Cooperation: Managing disputes like the Nile water issue.


Iran's actions in global conflicts, through the support of Hezbollah, Hamas, and the Houthis, are the main drivers of regional instability, influenced by both ideological and strategic motivations. Addressing these issues requires comprehensive international cooperation, focusing on peacebuilding, disarmament, eliminating external interference and cutting off financing through their oil exports etc.


The ICC, based in The Hague, has been investigating Israel’s activities in Gaza for the past three years yet apparently not the activities of Hamas in Gaza since 2007?

The ICC/! CJ in their decision was Ultra Vires under law. The Montevideo Convention of 1933 outlines the criteria for statehood, which include a permanent population, defined territory, government, and the capacity to enter into relations with other states. Palestine meets some of these criteria, but its full status remains contentious due to ongoing territorial disputes and the lack of a universally recognized government.

While some countries recognize Palestine as a state and has a certain level of recognition at the UN, it does not have universal recognition or full legal status as a sovereign state in the eyes of all international law or actors.

The pane overstepped its legal authority when it stated and based its ruling by agreeing with Khan’s assessment that the ICC has jurisdiction over the case since Palestine is a state party as per the ICC statute.

Palestine is NOT a State or a country therefore the ruling was Ultra Vires. (beyond the legal power or authority of the person performing an action)


"The Law"

 This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever. You may copy it, give it away or re-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License included with this eBook or online at

"The Law." First published in 1850 by the great French economist and journalist, it is as clear a statement as has ever been made of the original American ideal of government, as proclaimed in the Declaration of Independence, that the main purpose of any government is the protection of the lives, liberties, and property of its citizens.


Bastiat's warnings of the dire effects of legal plunder are as relevant today as when he first issued them. The system of legal plunder (which many now celebrate as "democracy"(Equity) will erase from everyone's conscience, he wrote, the distinction between justice and injustice.


The plundered classes will eventually figure out how to enter the political game and plunder their fellow man. Legislation will never be guided by any principles of justice, but only by brute political force.


The great French champion of liberty also forecast the corruption of education by the state. Those who held "government-endowed teaching positions," he wrote, would rarely criticize legal plunder lest their government endowments be ended.


The system of legal plunder would also greatly exaggerate the importance of politics in society. That would be a most unhealthy development as it would encourage even more citizens to seek to improve their own well-being not by producing goods and services for the marketplace but by plundering their fellow citizens through politics.


Bastiat was also wise enough to anticipate what modern economists call "rent-seeking" and "rent avoidance" behaviour. These two clumsy phrases refer, respectively, to the phenomena of lobbying for political favors (legal plunder), and of engaging in political activity directed at protecting oneself from being the victim of plunder seekers. (For example, the steel manufacturing industry lobbies for high tariffs on steel, whereas steel-using industries, like the automobile industry, can be expected to lobby against high tariffs on steel.)


The reason why modern economists are concerned about "rent-seeking" is the opportunity cost involved: the more time, effort and money that is spent by businesses on conniving to manipulate politics—merely transferring wealth—the less time is spent on producing goods and services, which increases wealth. Thus, legal plunder impoverishes the entire society even though a small (but politically influential) part of the society benefits from it.

Socialists want "to play God," Bastiat observed, anticipating all the future tyrants and despots of the world who would try to remake the world in their image, whether that image would be communism, fascism, the "glorious union," or "global democracy." Bastiat also observed that socialists wanted forced conformity; rigid regimentation of the population through pervasive regulation; forced equality of wealth; and dictatorship. As such, they were the mortal enemies of liberty.


"Dictatorship" need not involve an actual dictator. All that was needed, said Bastiat, was "the laws," enacted by a Congress or a Parliament, that would achieve the same effect: forced conformity.


Bastiat was also wise to point out that the world has far too many "great men," "fathers of their countries," etc., who in reality are usually nothing but petty tyrants with a sick and compulsive desire to rule over others. The defenders of the free society should have a healthy disrespect for all such men.

In the latter pages of "The Law" Bastiat offers the sage advice that what was really needed was "a science of economics" that would explain the harmony (or lack thereof) of a free society (as opposed to socialism). He made a major contribution to this end himself with the publication of his book, Economic Harmonies, which can be construed as a precursor to the modern literature of the Austrian School of Economics. 

There is no substitute for a solid understanding of the market order (and of the realities of politics) when it comes to combating the kinds of destructive socialistic schemes that plagued Bastiat's day as well as ours. Anyone who reads this great essay along with other free-market classics, such as Henry Hazlitt's Economics in One Lesson and Murray Rothbard's Power and Market, will possess enough intellectual ammunition to debunk the socialist fantasies of this or any other day.

A summary of "The Law" by Frédéric Bastiat:


Purpose of the Law: The law's fundamental purpose is to protect the rights of individuals, particularly their property, liberty, and life. The law should be a collective organization of the individual right to lawful defence.


Legal Plunder/Equity: The concept of "legal plunder," where the law is used to benefit a few at the expense of many. This misuse, where the law is twisted to confiscate property from some to give to others must be condemned, in my view.


Perverted Law: When the law is perverted from its true purpose, it becomes a tool of oppression. The law is often used to impose various forms of socialism, which contradicts the principles of freedom, justice and democracy.


Natural Rights: Keep in mind that natural rights existed before the law. These rights include liberty, property, and the pursuit of happiness. And all laws must be based on these inherent rights.


Consequences of Legal Plunder: Seems we have forgotten the consequences when legal plunder becomes widespread. It leads to social conflict, increased government intervention, and a decline in individual responsibility and moral values.


Proper Role of the State: The state's role must be limited to protecting individual rights and ensuring justice. Any expansion of state powers into areas like education, labour, and welfare contradicts the principles of freedom, justice and democracy.


Economic Harmonies: The belief in the natural harmonies of the market, where individuals pursuing their own interests will naturally contribute to societal welfare, provided that the law respects and protects their rights.


Critique of Socialism: Remember that various socialist doctrines advocate for legal plunder. As socialism undermines personal responsibility and freedom by expanding the scope of the state at the expense of individual liberty.


Call for Reform: Democracy for its survival must return to the true purpose of the law—to safeguard individual rights. We all must encourage citizens to recognize and resist the perversion of the law into an instrument of plunder.


In essence, "The Law" by Frédéric Bastiat is a passionate defence of individual liberty and property rights, a critique of government overreach, and a call to restore the law to its rightful role as a protector of justice and freedom.

Saturday, May 25, 2024

Trump’s Manhattan Trial Stacked Deck Against Former President By the Judge!

Judge Juan Merchan has allowed prosecutors from Manhattan district attorney Alvin Bragg’s office to prove a federal campaign-finance crime against former president Donald Trump by relying on blatantly inadmissible evidence — the guilty pleas of Michael Cohen and a non-prosecution agreement David Pecker struck with the Justice Department.

Judge's Decision: Judge Juan Merchan allowed prosecutors to use inadmissible evidence against Donald Trump, including Michael Cohen's guilty pleas and David Pecker's non-prosecution agreement.

Inadmissible Evidence:

Michael Cohen: Trump's former lawyer, pleaded guilty to two Federal Election Campaign Act (FECA) felonies related to non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) during the 2016 presidential campaign.

David Pecker: Former American Media Inc. CEO, entered a non-prosecution agreement for fear of indictment under FECA.

NDAs Context: The NDAs, involving payments to Karen McDougal and Stormy Daniels, were arranged by Cohen, with Pecker involved in McDougal's payment and Cohen paying Daniels himself.

Legal Argument: NDAs are not campaign expenditures under FECA. They could have been relevant in many non-political contexts (e.g., to protect Trump's reputation).

Cohen's Guilty Pleas: Cohen's guilty pleas were driven by his need to avoid prison for unrelated crimes (bank fraud and tax evasion), and these pleas are legally insufficient as evidence against Trump.

Judge's Ruling on Evidence: Judge Merchan did not allow a former FEC commissioner to testify, which would have clarified the legal basis for campaign expenditures, yet allowed Cohen and Pecker, who lack expertise in election law, to testify.

Prosecutorial Strategy: The prosecution used Cohen's guilty pleas to imply Trump's guilt, despite these pleas being inadmissible against Trump. The judge allowed this strategy, which the author criticizes as unfair and prejudicial.

Conclusion: Cohen's guilty pleas are worthless as evidence and the judge's decision undermines the fairness of the trial.


Tuesday, May 21, 2024

France and Belgium Sacrificed Jewish People "Before"

France and Belgium support the bid for arrest warrants of Israel and Hamas leaders.


Now today after they betrayed the Jewish people in their respective countries during WW2, they are repeating their antisemitism behaviours once again, in my view and millions of others worldwide.


France and Belgium during ww2 actively cooperated with Germany’s nazi Regime in rounding up and deporting 76,000 Jewish people from France alone and while Belgium's leaders and population also actively collaborated with Germany’s nazi Regime in rounding up and deporting 66,000 Jewish people from Belgium to death camps.


The free world and all its so-called elected leaders should be outraged at the ICC prosecutor's attempted application against the country of Israel and its leaders.


There is no equivalence between Israel and the terrorist organization Hamas. Hamas is an internationally designated Palestinian terrorist organization that has controlled Gaza since 2007 and whose explicitly stated mission is the murder of Jews and “obliteration” of Israel.


In 2007 it seized control of Gaza in a violent coup and launched over 18,000 mortars and rockets into Israeli communities and forced Israel to mount three major military operations to protect its citizens:


1. Cast Lead (Dec. 2008-to Jan. 2009)

2. Pillar of Defense (Nov. 2012)

3. Protective Edge (July 8 to August 6, 2014)


Hamas systematically committed war crimes in these actions, as evidenced by its tactics during Protective Edge. Hamas rockets indiscriminately targeted Israel’s population and civilian centers, a war crime according to the Geneva Conventions and the International Criminal Court.

France and Belgium for the second time in a mere 82 years seem to have totally forgotten their past collaboration against the Jewish peoples:


From 1942 to 1944 a stream of Jewish people were rounded up by Vichy authorities, and by the end of the war, some 76,000 had been deported to Nazi concentration camps.


Although under the overall control of the SS, the main transit camp of Drancy, from which 63,000 people were sent to their deaths, was run by Paris's police force.


François Mitterand, president from 1981 until 1995, insisted France "was never involved" in the ill-treatment of its Jewish population, and it was not until Jacques Chirac in 1995 that a head of state admitted France's "inescapable guilt". It does so without forgetting the 74,150 Jewish men, women and children who were deported from France – most of whom perished.


France and Belgium are now showing that their leaders and country have forgotten their past collaboration actions against the Jewish people which was the same case from 1942 to 1944.


Also, we must remember that today and back then "The Belgian state once again has supported and adopted a docile and cooperative attitude in some very diverse, but crucial domains providing collaboration unworthy of a democracy, with a policy that once again shall be disastrous for Belgian and the Jewish peoples, in my view.


Unlike today back then after the end of the war, Belgian military judicial authorities decided that investigating the deportation of the Jewish people was too "delicate" to be allowed to continue.


That was after then and today's decision to support the ICC is another decision from Belgium and France's leaders and population of "a docile and cooperative attitude in some very diverse, but crucial domains providing collaboration unworthy of a democracy."


France and Belgium Sacrificed Jewish people to the Nazis Before and now they repeat that step by supporting a rogue ICC for purely political reasons.

Monday, May 20, 2024

Hamas's Stated Mission Murder Jews, “Obliteration” of Israel

Hamas is an internationally designated Palestinian terrorist organization that controls Gaza, whose explicitly stated mission is the murder of Jews, “obliteration” of Israel, and its replacement with a Taliban-like theocracy. 

In 2007 it seized control of Gaza in a violent coup and launched over 18,000 mortars and rockets into Israeli communities and forced Israel to mount three major military operations to protect its citizens: 

1. Cast Lead (Dec. 2008-to Jan. 2009)
2. Pillar of Defense (Nov. 2012)
3. Protective Edge (July 8 to August 6, 2014)

Hamas systematically committed war crimes in these actions, as evidenced by its tactics during Protective Edge. Hamas rockets indiscriminately targeted Israel’s population and civilian centers, a war crime according to the Geneva Conventions and the International Criminal Court.

Hamas indiscriminately fired over 4,465 rockets at Israel’s heartland, including densely populated cities such as Jerusalem and Tel Aviv and their civilian structures, during Protective Edge. Over 70% of Israeli citizens were in rocket range.

• Even Palestinian officials acknowledged Hamas’ rockets were war crimes. “Each and every missile against Israel constitutes a crime against humanity whether it hits or misses because it is directed at civilian targets.”

–Palestinian Envoy to the Human Rights Council, July 9, 2014.

• Hamas “made clear in their statements that harming civilians was their aim. There is simply no legal justification for launching rockets at populated areas.”

–Sarah Leah Whitson, Middle East Director, Human Rights Watch, Nov. 2012.

• The EU “strongly condemns the indiscriminate firing of rockets into Israel by Hamas and militant groups in the Gaza Strip, directly harming civilians. These are criminal and unjustifiable acts.”9 Hamas kidnapped Israelis to use them as hostages, a war crime according to the Geneva Conventions and the International Criminal Court.

• On June 12, 2014, Hamas operatives kidnapped three Israeli teens as they were returning home from school. Their bodies were found 18 days later.

• In 2006, Hamas operatives kidnapped IDF soldier Gilad Shalit and held him hostage for over five years until he was released in a prisoner exchange in 2011.

• Hamas built 32 cross-border underground tunnels to infiltrate Israel and kidnap Israelis. Rooms, handcuffs and tranquillizers were prepared for the Israeli victims.13 Hamas used Palestinian civilian centers for military purposes, a war crime according to the Geneva Conventions.

• Hamas placed its military arsenal and tunnel entrances in Gaza’s schools, homes, residential neighbourhoods, hospitals, and mosques, as occurred with UNRWA schools, 16 Al-Shifah17 and Al-Wafa hospitals, and the Islamic University of Gaza.

• Hamas booby-trapped thousands of homes and fired 597 rockets from civilian centers, including 260 from schools, 160 from religious sites, 127 from cemeteries, and over 50 from hospitals. Hamas used Palestinians as human shields, a war crime according to Article 51(7) of the 1977 Protocols to the Geneva Convention. 

• Hamas urged Gaza residents to act as human shields. 

• Hamas urged residents to ignore Israel’s warnings to move to safer areas because of imminent attacks. In some cases, Hamas operatives violently attacked residents who sought safer areas. 

• "The Israeli army sends warnings to people [Gazans] to evacuate buildings before an attack. Hamas's strict policy, though, was not to allow us to evacuate. Hamas's official Al-Quds TV regularly issued warnings to Gazans not to evacuate their homes. Hamas militants would block the exits to the places residents were asked to evacuate." –Gaza Medical Aid Worker, September 19, 2014Hamas conducted extrajudicial executions of alleged Palestinian collaborators with Israel.

• Hamas murdered at least 48 suspected collaborators during the 2014 war, accusing them of being spies and executing them publicly, without trial. Hamas has dragged the executed bodies of past suspected collaborators through the streets of Gaza as a warning to others. Hamas enlisted children to participate in hostilities, a war crime according to the Geneva Conventions and the International Criminal Court.

• Hamas admitted to using child labour to construct cross-border tunnels. According to Hamas officials, at least 160 children were killed while building the terror tunnels.