Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Do Political Parties Represent Honesty and Transparency?


A copy of an open letter to Tim Hudak and the Ontario PC party for What it is worth.


As an elected member of the conservative party, supposedly representing about 40,000 members, some of which are less than voting age or even age of majority similar to the liberals, NDP and other political parties and all, in reality, accounts for less than ONE per cent of eligible voters, might I suggest that you as the leader of this party and all the other party leaders have a real problem in getting a majority of members elected as puppets to the Ontario legislature!

For myself, 60,000 thousand plus non-political yet voting individuals associated with me from time to time. Most likely 50% of them, unfortunately, do not take the time to vote.

To get elected yourself along with a slim majority of your political party’s selected candidates for the legislature, as your voting puppets, might one suggest a winning election platform for such members including yourself of course as their leader?

Once democracy is back in place because of the peoples legislature is finally recalled after its prorogation for purely political party reasons in part thanks in part to the backward thinking of the so-called Queen's representative David Onley and your parties failure to effectively or politically  meaningfully or legally challenge such a one-sided political farce by the previous leader of the liberal party, you announce that within the first day of the opening of the legislature, your party goes on record to demand the following:  

1.      Defeats the government immediately on a vote of no confidence and first introduce legislation that prohibits any political party or its leader in the legislature from ever again using prorogation of the people's legislature, unless the parliament of Canada has declared an act of war, for self-serving party politics and high jacking democracy through such a procedural process.

2.      Call for an RCMP investigation and federal judicial inquiry into the cancellation of power plants, E-health, Orange and all no-bid contracts, non-competitive sole-sourced or closed tendered contracts at city and municipal levels.

3.      Introduce legislation that call for a revamp and reorganization of Metrolinx and the TTC that allows for a new GTHA public transit authority that includes one  elected representative from each region or municipality and city along with one from the province and the federal government.

4.      Introduce legislation that call for a ONE Percent Transit Tax on all corporations, banks, unions and non-profit organization that shall be designated legally for only existing and operating transit system within Canada using a funding formal based solely on ridership and user stats.

The citizens of Ontario have had enough of wasteful spending and non commitment to transit funding by both the provincial and federal garments, the extravagant salaries of elected and non elected officials and their benefits, pensions, union wages and pensions, teachers breaking the laws because of union leaders greed under the false banner of union negotiation rights etc.    

Elected official including the premier, political parties, bureaucrats, technocrats, and union leaders all must be held legally responsible and pay restitution for past and present act of breach of trust on or within the government or union members for disregard of their elected or appointed fiduciary duties and mismanagement of public funds or union dues.

Should you incorporate the above you just might have an opportunity to get yourself and a majority of your political party members elected

Warmest regards,

Peter Clarke

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Cyclists Breaking Canadian Income Tax Laws while Cycling their Talk?

The allowable amount for claiming a mileage business tax deduction for employees is 55¢ per kilometre NOT $1 a per kilometre.

Revenue Canada should take note of such questionable tax practices by these agencies and their very illegal focus on social responsibility.


Wednesday, January 30, 2013

In Politics one’s Daily Life Including Sexual Preferences of Politicians is the Right to know by every Potential Voter.

It matters to straight individuals and families as gay and lesbian activists for the most part just might be closet heterophobic members of society themselves.

Bullying, for example, is not limited to young gay kids or minorities as George Smitherman, the defeated candidate for Toronto Mayor and one of the liberal party's members of the cabinet responsible for the E-health scandal would like to lead voters to believe.

One’s individual family values and moral principles, including those of the liberal party’s recently elected lesbian leader is a sign of strength which superseding LGBT activists politics along with those of the mainstream media’s hysteria and muckraking journalists.

However, it would also be fair to state that Toronto’s mainstream liberal media like the Star and Globe have become overzealous, in their never-ending goal in attempting to force the ideals and beliefs of gays, lesbians and bisexual on all Torontonians, through their efforts to create a society that must conform to only one viewpoint. That being of the LGBT community!

When individuals do not conform to this bullying and rigid viewpoint of outright acceptance of the LGBT lifestyles, encouraged and supported by the media or special interest groups, there is a rush to judgment against such individuals and they are promptly wrongly labelled as being homophobic.  

Such hasty unfounded critical judgment made personally against others within the community of citizens is itself a direct form of bullying and a reverse method of discrimination.  

So let’s not have any more HETERO PHOBIA.

The majority of Canadian individuals all have relationships, families, friends, acquaintances and lives for the most part, reject or accept social trends and have that democratic right of freedom to choose without being intimidated, harassed or bullied to conform to a single point of view as proposed by heterophobic individuals.

If gay and lesbian individuals do not wish to be publicly identified as same then perhaps they themselves are closet HETEROPHOBIC people.

When special interest groups label heterosexual people as a homophobic individual   because of a belief and ideals of wanting to retain marriage between a man and a woman, then obviously a lesbian or gay person who holds the belief and ideas yet demands changing marriage laws around the world to permit same-sex marriage should be labelled a HETEROPHOBE.


Tuesday, January 29, 2013

The Public Did Not Want Prorogation and the Opposition Played No part in the Liberal Parties Crowning of their Lesbian Leader.

First what the public deserves and demands is the
immediate return of democracy by the reopening of the legislature this week and not in a few weeks.

Secondly is an election so that all legally registered voters within the province have the democratic right and obligation to choose for themselves just who deserves to be referred to as the Premier of Ontario.

Thirdly no one political party, premier or prime minister should have the right to the prorogation of the legislature or house of commons for any contrived reason whatsoever. 

Like the previous war measures act prorogation must be eliminated as a provision available to any one political party in our Canadian democracy.

Fourthly an RCMP investigation followed by a judicial commission must be held into the cancelled gas plants, E-Health, Energy Plan, No-Bid Contracts, Non-Competitive or Sole Sourced and Closed Tendered Contracts both at the provincial level and city of Toronto. 

Taxpayers and voters do not just want the appearance of transparency and accountability they demand it as it is their money that is continually being wasted by these career politicians, bureaucrats and technocrats within all levels of governments.  

Something is drastically gone wrong with our democracy when a mere 2073 members of the liberal party some under the age of 15, many less than the age of majority and a few who are clearly heterophobic   individuals get to decide who shall be the anointed non elected premier of Ontario because of the liberal party and its previous leader's prorogation of the legislature for self-serving political reasons.

Finally, in my opinion as a mere mortal citizen and taxpayer, to clear the polluted political air that continues to surround the halls of democracy at Queens Park.

We the voters must stop the continuing old quasi corrupt political antics  that for far too long have dominated both the affairs of the legislature and the City of Toronto someone namely politicians and bureaucrats have to be equally held directly responsible, accountable and liable for present and past acts of Breach of Trust and Fraud on and within governments for the disregard of their elected or non elected fiduciary duties and mismanagement of public funds.            
Political honeymoons’ must become a thing of the past for democracy's sake.


Monday, January 28, 2013

Taxpayer Deserve a RCMP Investigation and Judicial Inquiry of All Approved No Bid Contracts, Non Competitive Sole Sourced or Closed Tendered Contracts.

In 2002 after the scandals’ around the city of Toronto and councils computer leasing deals an external contracts inquiry was commissioned by Madam Justice Denise Bellamy.

Unfortunately, it did not deal with or consider the ongoing practice by the city, council, the TTC and other cities taxpayer-funded boards and agencies regarding these well hidden unsavoury practices that are open to political insiders and straight-up corruption in my opinion.   

Far too many of TTC and City approved the lease extension sole-sourced and non-noncompetitive bid contracts continue to be supported by councillors and then entered into by the city.

The Star and other mainstream media outlets have the audacity to harass and bully Mayor Ford when he questions the appropriateness of such deals even though Madam Justice Bellamy in her conclusions recommended that “The Mayor should report to the public on major contracts or tenders the council awarded or approved.”  

Canada's EMPLOYED Rate is 92.9 Per Cent

How much more evidence do these goose necked biased liberal socialized reports and journalists within the mainstream media require before they all take their heads out of the sand and understand that capitalism is the only system that has proven to work for throughout centuries of history!


Friday, January 25, 2013

Star's Editorial is Arrogant, Critically Flawed and Unfit as Continues their Biased View of Toronto’s Duly Elected Mayor Ford.

All people are created equal and all are equally imperfect and we still have unequal laws and taxes created by unjust people.

Such editorials by the Star are solely for the purpose of non-elected representation and political interference into the policy decisions of democratically elected representatives of the voters within the city of Toronto in my humble opinion as a mere mortal. 

This unnecessary legal sideshow and bullying attempts by the mainstream media and non elected would be representatives of citizens who are political foes of the Mayor and supported financially by publicity-seeking lawyers against the duly elected Mayor of Toronto must cease.  

For those like the Star and Globe and Mail who seek to direct or set the political agenda and policies for the City of Toronto, from behind the council chambers of democracy, by continuing to insist that an elected Mayor of the people must change the platform he was elected on to their direction of socialized liberal communism I suggest that they put forward their individual names along with their political mission platforms for the position of Toronto’s mayor directly to the voters as candidates in the 2014 city elections. 


Read Decision 

Terence Corcoran, National Post Staff 
“They have no case and no just cause beyond their own ideological delirium — these fantasy rock throwers, the usual collection of leftists and waffly centrists, cringing sophisticates, downtown Liberals, Toronto Star columnists, CBC reporters, Ryerson academics and would-be mayoral candidates who would like to maintain the old quasi-corrupt ways that have long dominated Toronto city government.”