Saturday, May 4, 2013

Ontario's $281 Billion Debt, Breach of Fiduciary Duty and Lack of Due Diligence?

Ten years ago the Ontario liberal party’s government took over the reins of fiscal responsibility and power on behalf of their party and the taxpayers were on the hook for $140 Billion Dollars in total Debt.  

Today that total debt has ballooned to $281 Billion of debt and within 3 to 4 years shall reach a projected $300 Billion! 

The fastest expense increase for programs now goes to interest payments for debt, courtesy of this liberal party’s government, and Ontario residents are on the hook for $12. 2 Billion Up from $10.4 Billion!

This profound endless diversion of taxpayer funds, from much-needed Ontario infrastructure programs of public transit, upgrades, repairs and expansions, to pay for this never-ending rise of borrowing and interest on debt servicing costs for unsustainable programs & services will within a year consume 12% of government existing tax revenue sources!  

When the cost of holding on to political party power is motivated through appeasement and carefully crafted budgetary imagery the political party’s government has abdicated the right to govern.    

The finance minister loudly proclaims that “eliminating the deficit is the single most important step we can take to grow the economy and create jobs,” then presents Ontarians with a $1.9 Billion dollar deficit increase? 

In addition to a $3.7 Billion spending increase from $124 Billion to his budgeted projection of $127.6 Billion in one year!

A minimum decrease of $2.9 Billion in spending alone each year for and every year over the next four years in spending alone would be required to eliminate this liberal party government’s deficit that has more than doubled since they gained control of the Ontario government. 

In my humble opinion as a mere mortal, this budget is a sham and yet another breach of fiduciary duty and lack of due diligence on the part of both the NDP and the Liberal Political Parties.

It seems they both continue to set aside any semblance of prudence or good government that political party governments have the legal, moral and ethical obligations to act honestly, in good faith and in the BEST interest of citizens and NOT the self-serving interests of political parties and career politicians. 

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Wynne's Liberal Party's Hypocritical Position on Transit Funding Supported by Media

Media Demands Mayor Ford, the Executive and city Council must Speak up on Transit Funding but NOT Wynne and her Liberal Transportation Minister?

The liberal party’s leader and un-elected premier along with her transportation minister both have clearly stated that they both will not now speak up on transit funding for increased taxes or additional tax sources.

As they are the provincial politicians in charge, unlike the regional and city councils and councillors, both politically boast that they do not wish to pre-empt Metrolinx or make any political decision regarding any increased taxes or "additional taxes" that she Wynne, as leader of the liberal party, wants or he as her minister of transportation prefer.

Yet any increased taxes or additional taxes (new revenue sources) are clearly their responsibility as elected provincial officials.  While media outlets all are lambasting Mayor Ford, for taking the exact same political stand off waiting to hear from Metrolinx the provinces transportation agency NOT Toronto councils? 

Our media outlets no longer report just the facts or news but now attempt to sway the public with their biased non political positions, views and opinions by continually supporting and headlining their political party's position at the expense of others through favoring those issues that they and their party wish to have forced upon the electorate and citizens. That is the way I see it in humble opinion as a mere mortal!   


The average family with a gross income of 74,113 pays 42.7% for existing taxes.

Based on gross revenues CIBC paid 7.45% in taxes for 2011, RBC 3.3%, in 2012, TD Canada Trust 5.8% and Rogers in 2011 paid $99 Million in taxes on gross revenues of $12.4 BILLION and in 2010 $152 Million is taxes on gross revenues of $12.1 BILLION. (7.9% and 12.6%) 



Metrolinx Appointed Board of Directors

J. Robert S. Prichard, Chair

·                     Stephen Smith, Vice-Chair
·                     Rahul Bhardwaj
·                     Janet Ecker
·                     Joseph Halstead
·                     Richard Koroscil
·                     Frances Lankin
·                     Marianne McKenna
·                     Nicholas Mutton
·                     Lee Parsons
·                     Rose Patten
·                     Bonnie Patterson
·                     Howard Shearer
·                     Douglas Turnbull
·                     Bruce McCuaig, President and CEO

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Taxes and New Revenues Tools on Corporations NOT Joe Citizen?

Let’s Expose the Allies Supporting Increased and New Taxes for Transit on Individuals but not for Corporations or Unions!

Who actually are those behind the move to increase taxes on individual citizens through new additional taxes (revenue tools) as opposed to increasing corporation taxes or taxing Unions?

Is it the average Joe citizen or family taxpayers who currently contribute 23% ($25 Billion dollars) of this liberal political party’s government revenues?

Or corporations, who unlike Joe citizen, currently contribute 9.6% ($10.8 Billion dollars) of this liberal political party’s government revenues?

Political parties are financed primarily by corporations, like Rogers with gross annual revenues of $3.03 Billion, Bell with $19.49 Billion, TD Canada Trust with $23.12 Billion, RBC with $29.8 Billion etc. 

They of course also receive financial support from Unions and yes, Joe citizen as a member of a political party that in reality represents less than 1% of eligible voters at any given time. 

Now keep in mind that the current general corporate tax rate is 11.5% and Joe citizen’s average tax rate in Toronto is approximately 17.52%.

However like corporations there are approximately 34% of Joe citizens who currently DO NOT PAY any provincial income tax or pay less than $10 dollars annually as they are considered the working or non working lower middle class poor? And these proposed tax increases and new revenue sources shall not be levied on them or corporations and large multi million dollar labour unions? 

Not one of Metrolinx’s 11 proposals of additional taxes (new revenue tools) for increased tax revenues suggests or calls for corporations to help pay for any radical future transportation improvements, there James?

Yet we have representative of political parties and their local council supporters along with the would be David’s from special interest groups like Civic Action, Toronto Region Board of Trade, Stintz and her TTC, Businesses and Labour demanding transit taxes be on the table for Joe citizen and NOT corporations and unions? 

The liberal party government at “Queens Park has already committed $16 Billion for transit in the GTHA” and now wants the political help from all regional governments and city councils to put Joe citizen directly on the hook for a further $34 to $60 Billion.

In an attempt to save their political hides while keeping their corporate and union allies from paying their far share of existing taxes and revenues tools before they themselves decide on the issue of increased taxes and new revenue sources. (Joe citizen accounts for 23%, corporations 9.6% )

James, the corporate and union giant has already been exposed.

However political parties are not capable of slaying the one that feeds their lust for power, scandals, waste and mismanagement. 


Monday, April 22, 2013

To All a Happy Earth Day!

To All a Happy Earth Day!

A highlight of the United Nations' Earth Day celebration in New York City is the ringing of the Peace Bell, a gift from Japan, at the exact moment of the vernal equinox.

Read more @

Saturday, April 20, 2013

A 13 Year Late Bureaucratic Political Reaction that Does Not Address Cause, Fault or Mismanagement.

In my humble opinion as a mere mortal, the Ontario Ministry of Health and the public's elected health minister decided on and signed off on allowing Hospitals to first, outsource this pharmacy work and bulk purchasing without:

(a) Ensuring that any such companies had provincial or federal oversight and
(b) Were registered with Health Canada or would obtain the required necessary federal license?

Secondly, both the Ontario ministry of health and the Hospitals also approved and gave permission to go ahead with the practice of group purchasing of drugs through companies such as Medbury and others approved by Ontario’s Ministry of Health and Hospitals as group drug purchasers! 

Since 1998 all Canadian companies and establishments require a license to package, label, distribute, import, wholesale or test drugs among other restrictions.  What was the Ontario Hospitals role and the Ontario Health Minister’s role in ensuring or not, that Medbury and Marchese had such licenses as noted in the above paragraphs?

According to the Ontario Health Ministry and its Health Systems Accountability and Performance Division it exists to ensures that the strategies and programs that it has oversight for, deliver the intended results by providing expertise to inform the development of strategies and initiatives; guiding implementation of provincial strategies and initiatives; negotiating agreements that enable a sustainable health care system and contribute to achievement of provincial objectives; ensuring that partners and health service providers are held accountable for achieving the best outcomes through their use of funds, and are in compliance with legislation; evaluating outcomes to identify opportunities for future health system improvement, and leading performance improvement initiatives and activities. 

Boy that is a wonderful mouth-full with the attempted escape card of “that it has oversight for”! 

Now let’s see the mix instructions contracts that was drawn up by Medbury as arranged and thus supposedly approved by our Hospitals and the Ministry of Health in Ontario?

Far too many questions remain unanswered or asked and the public deserves an open transparent public debate and judicial hearings at a minimum. 

First people and corporations must all be held criminally responsible for those decisions that first allowed Marchese Hospital Solutions to manufacture chemo drug solutions without being licensed and an accredited pharmacy? 

Secondly when and who was involved in deciding that Hospitals could outsource such chemo pharmacy work without first seeking provincial and federal oversight? 

Thirdly when and by what authority and from whom were Ontario Hospitals given authority and go ahead with the practice for group purchasing of drugs through companies such as Medbury and others? 

Officials in government, Hospitals, elected and non elected representative of the public along with senior stakeholders of Marchese Hospital Solutions and Medbury a group seller of drugs to Hospitals all must be held accountable and if warranted be charged with culpable homicide through criminal negligence in my opinion as a mere mortal. 

As from the beginning of this scandal, it has been far too simple and convenient for all parties to play the blame game as suggesting that Hospitals somehow erred in administering the drug solution provided!  

What proof is there that this happened or was the drug solution diluted by either Medbury or Merchese in the packaging and distribution prior to the Hospitals receipt? 

Further, what are the contract preparation instructions for the solution that the supplier, Medbuy, followed or perhaps did not follow?   

What is the maximum value to their members by driving costs out of the healthcare system that Medbury follows as stated in their mission statement? 

What are Marchese and Medbuy's specific principles of contract participation and compliance with their product manufacturing and product suppliers? 

What are the secret details that remain kept behind closed doors by the Ministry, Hospitals, Medbury and Marchese?

All such information must be made public along with the roles that all parties played in this “colossal sloppiness” and health care blundering that resulted in the deaths of 137 Ontario residents and Canadian citizens.

The public and patients are deeply upset and demand answers from all parties including this liberal government in Ontario whose track record on health care and governing are disastrous. 
Thanks to Diana Zlomislic and Tim Alamenciak from the Toronto Star for their investigative reporting and hopefully they shall continue to probe much deeper into this scandal.
My deepest and sincere condolences go out to the 137 families and their communities who have been traumatized and suffered from these unnecessary preventable deaths.


Sunday, April 14, 2013

Negligence Causing Bodily Harm and Death Involved in Chemo Drug Scandal?

First I give my condolences to the 137 families and those communities who have been traumatized and suffered with these preventable deaths.

In my opinion and that of thousands of other Ontario and Canadian residents this should never have happened had government bureaucrats, technocrats, Hospitals and their overseers and elected political party representatives did their respective due diligence on behalf of citizens and patients. 
People must be held accountable and responsible for these actions and deaths. Strict guidelines, rules and regulations were not properly followed, adhered too, or not put in place by the hospital and health ministry officials as protocol clearly called for once any decisions were made to outsource pharmacy work and allow Hospital to group purchase drugs. 

Far too many questions remain unanswered or asked and the public deserves an open transparent public debate and judicial hearings at a minimum. People should be held criminally responsible for those decisions that first allowed Marchese Hos[ital Solutions to manufacture chemo drug solutions without being licensed and an accredited pharmacy? 

Secondly when and who was involved in deciding that Hospitals could outsource such chemo pharmacy work without first seeking provincial and federal oversight? 

In addition when and by what authority and from whom were Ontario Hospitals given authority and go ahead with the practice for group purchasing of drugs through companies such as Medbury? 

Officials in government, Hospitals, elected and non elected representative of the public along with senior stakeholders of Marchese Hospital Solutions and Medbury a group seller of drugs to Hospitals all must be held accountable and if warranted be charged with culpable homicide through criminal negligence in my opinion as a mere mortal. 

As it is far too simple and convenient for either Marchase or Medbury to play the blame game by suggesting that Hospitals somehow erred in administering the drug solution provided and not perhaps Medbury the group drug supplier or Marchese a non licensed drug manufacturer!  
For instance how and what proof is there that any hospital erred in administering the drug? Or was the drug possibly diluted prior to their receipt? 

Further, what are the contract preparation instructions for the solution that the supplier, Medbuy, followed or perhaps did not follow?   

What is the maximum value to their members by driving costs out of the healthcare system that Medbury follows as stated in their mission statement? 

What are Marchase and Medbuy's specific principles of contract participation and compliance with their product manufacturing and product suppliers? 

The public and patients are deeply upset and demand answers from all parties including this liberal government in Ontario whose track record on health care and governing is disastrous. 

Friday, April 12, 2013

Questions about the Chemo Drug Suppliers and Health Care Purchasing Organizations No One is asking! Why?

Could Medbuy and  Marchase be yet another E-Health or Orange type healthcare political crisis?

Contrary to what some hospital presidents or politicians have said it is time for both levels of government, provincial and federal to focus the investigation resources in immediately getting to the bottom of this error through open and transparent public debate.

The question is at what costs to public safety and product might these two organizations along with Ontario hospital administrators, directors and staff played in either the overfilled or diluting of the chemotherapy cocktails within saline bags sold to these Ontario Hospitals?  

Just how and what proof is there that the hospital's error in administering the drug? Or was the drug possibly diluted prior to their receipt? 

It is far too simple and convenient for either Marchase or Medbury, in my opinion, to play the blame game by suggesting hospitals somehow erred in administering the drugs but not Medbury the supplier or Marchase a non licensed drug manufacturer.   

What are the contract preparation instructions for the solution that the supplier, Medbuy, followed or perhaps did not follow?   

What is the maximum value to their members by driving costs out of the healthcare system that Medbury follows as stated in their mission statement? 

What are Marchase and Medbuy's specific principles of contract participation and compliance with their product manufacturing and product suppliers? 

The public and patients are deeply upset and demand answers from all parties including this liberal government in Ontario whose track record on healthcare and governing are disastrous.