Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Vote for Results NOT Personality

All I ask is that you just consider this:

When you think your President, Trump is an idiot,

HE IS NOT! He is a New Yorker. Some say that he is a jerk, arrogant and bombastic. 

When his feelings are intentionally hurt and like many people, he is a hothead. Then, in defending himself he hits back; Stronger! 

So, let me tell you what else he is; if you disagree with this, that is your privilege. 

And here is why. Trump is a guy who DEMANDS performance and more importantly, he demands RESULTS!!

Because in the private sector, one spends your entire life where you produce or get fired!

Trump's a guy who asks a lot of questions. And the questions he asks are not wrapped in fancy "political" phrases; are "Why the heck--------?” questions.

For decades, the healthcare industry has thrown away billions of face masks after one use. Then Trump asks, “Why are we throwing them out? Why not sterilize them and use them many times? “(Good question.)

Trump's the guy who sets up hospital ships in a week when a bureaucrat would have taken weeks or months or never to get it done.

He is the guy who gets temporary hospitals built in three days.

He is the guy who gets the auto industries to restructure to build fans in a business that is highly regulated by agencies that move lazily.

Trump's the guy who asks “Why don't we use drugs that might work on dying people? What the hell do we have to lose?” (Another good question).

He is the guy who restricted travel from China when Democrats liberal media and Joe Biden were yelling "xenophobia and racism."

Now, these socialist, liberal democrats and their leader Joe Biden want to know why he did not react earlier? What hypocrites they truly are!

When Trump closed the borders in the early days of the Coronavirus, Democrats screamed even LOUDER. Then the rest of the world, including the European Union, quickly restricted travel between its member countries.

Trump's the guy who campaigned to secure the border, protecting America, in the face of screaming Democrats and the liberal media.

And these SAME leaders of the Democratic Party (the Clintons, Chucky Schumer, Harry Reed, Barack Obama, Maxine Waters, Nancy Pelosi, and others ALL were in FAVOR of building the wall 'UNTIL' Trump had the strength to actually do it! 

Now they say: "Oh, he said Mexico was going to pay for it." Does that sound like you in any way?

Well, let me clear this up for you quickly. Have you compared the old EXTREMELY one-sided NAFTA deal (negotiated by none other than Jimmy 'Peanuts' Carter) to the NEW USMCA deal? Well yeah, and let me tell you this: Mexico will now end up paying a lot MORE for your assets than you will for theirs and why might that be you ask? 

Because they depend much more on the United States than you do on them. Yes, it will take time, but the bottom line is they will end up paying for the wall just like Trump said all along!

It is true that for Canadians, this new T-MEC is certainly not as beneficial as NAFTA was for both Canada and Mexico. Previously, Canadian farmers had a huge monopoly on their farmers, but "fair is fair."

Has Trump made mistakes? Of course. You cannot blame a person for being a human being. Only ONE perfect man walked this earth 2000 years ago, Jesus!

Everyone I know has made mistakes and continues to make and LEARN from them. Trump is and has accomplished more than any president of the United States in my life and I am 70-plus years old.

Trump is dedicated to doing the job for Americans between 18 and 20 hours a day. He is not hiding in his office. He is upfront, reporting to ALL Americans almost every day.

Yet, according to the Democrats and liberal media, when you offer hope, you are lying, and when you are direct, you should be hopeful. It is a no-win situation for him every day with haters and naysayers, but Trump's NOT deterred!

I will take THIS kind of leadership 6 days a week and TWICE Sunday over a "polite and refined" politician who has rarely or never had a real job in the private sector in his adult life, read prepared and "written by a speechwriter ”speeches from a teleprompter and ONLY answers pre-written questions selected for him/her before the open forum.

I am completely puzzled as to why this man (Trump) has been bombarded by the media and the liberal electorate EVERY day since he announced his candidacy for the US presidency in 2015.

And whether you want to believe it or not, Americans, let me tell you one more thing if you REALLY believe that Hillary would have accomplished even a fraction of the things for the betterment of the American public that POTUS Trump has, you've really got your head in the sand.

In my humble opinion (#IMHOPEOPLE) ALL Americans can only wish that President Trump for America's and their own personal sake, truly and honestly, better hope that Trump gets re-elected this November!




Ernie Meggisen CDN

Thank You!

“Real median household income—the amount earned by those in the very middle—hit $65,084 (in 2019 dollars) for the 12 months ending in July. That’s the highest level ever and a gain of $4,144, or 6.8% since Mr. Trump took office. By comparison, during 7½ years under President Obama—starting from the end of the recession in June 2009 through January 2017—the median household income rose by only about $1,000.”


Trump’s Presidential Administration Accomplishments So Far! The list Prior to the Chinese Covid-19 Release around the Globe by the Chinese Communist Party


Monday, October 5, 2020

More People Survive Corona-Virus than Cancer


Why has the media not been upfront, factual and honest with the American public and voters about the 97.18% SURVIVAL rate of Americans who beat the Chinese COVID 19 virus and the Worldwide SURVIVAL rate is 97.05%

And yet the survival rate in the USA for Childhood Leukemia Cancer is at 87.7% and the female Breast Cancer survival rate is 88.6% throughout the USA currently both of which are far worse than that of this Chinese Covid19 virus.

An estimated 9.5 million people died of cancer worldwide. That's about 26,000 people each day and 1 out of every 6 deaths. About 600,000 cancer deaths happen in the U.S. each year

It's time for America and the world to get its act together and get back to work and stop being afraid of fear and stop listening to the doom and gloom and disinformation being spun by the mainstream media #IMHOPEOPLE

Proof home-based treatment trumps the failed Fauci model

What are the lessons learned from scientific research?

Lesson 1: COVID-19 is not the death sentence we had at first thought. For healthy 74-year-olds who do not smoke tobacco, don’t drink alcohol and have no serious medical conditions such as heart disease, lung disease, diabetes, kidney disease, or morbid obesity, recovery rate is better than 95%.

Lesson 2: Early treatment at first sign of symptoms is critical. Thousands of front-line physicians in the U.S. and around the world have been saying this from the beginning. Early treatment is the principle that guides almost all medical practice – from heart disease to diabetes to cancer. In viral diseases, early treatment is critical. Patients need antiviral medicines, vitamins, minerals, known immune boosters, fresh air and sunshine.

Studies confirm early treatment for COVID-19. In more than 130 studies compiled at c19study.com, the early-treatment studies using hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) showed a favorable effect of HCQ with other antivirals, with a median improvement of 64%. We accept 30-40 percent as a “success” with flu vaccine. Why wouldn’t 64% improvement with antiviral medicines be considered a huge success? Even the majority of late treatment studies in very sick hospitalized patients showed around 25% improvement with HCQ.

Lesson 3: Doctors have now learned what medicines work and when to use them. Many physicians across America – myself included – are using a combination approach to early treatment for COVID, keeping patients at home for treatment with family and loved ones around them helping to implement the physicians’ recommendations.

A peer-reviewed algorithm by lead author Baylor cardiologist Peter McCullough, M.D., and colleagues from major US and Italian medical centers shows the widely available, safe medicines targeted for each stage of COVID-19 illness. Doctors already use these generic medicines day in and day out for many conditions. They now show impressive success with COVID-19.

Dr. McCullough’s team of experts recommend cheap, safe, FDA-approved medicines – HCQ with azithromycin or doxycycline, possibly ivermectin or colchicine, inhaled budesonide or the more potent oral prednisone, anticoagulants, supplemental zinc, vitamin C and vitamin D, and home oxygen concentrators.

With the possible exception of mechanical ventilation, almost all the treatment modalities treatment used in hospitals can be implemented at home – faster, better tailored to the individual, at lower risk of other infections common in hospitals and at dramatically lower cost.

Lesson 4: LATE stage treatment of COVID carries a high risk of ICU admission, mechanical ventilation and death. The failed Fauci model –telling patients to go home, self-quarantine, do nothing and go to the ER if they get sicker – exacerbated by the FDA’s statements discouraging HCQ use, has caused the U.S. COVID death rate to be in the world’s top 10.

Lesson 5: Widespread use of home therapy could prevent thousands of deaths and hospitalizations. The pathophysiological rationale and protocol published in the prestigious American Journal of Medicine gives much needed hope for physicians and patients around the world. Dr. McCullough is not just theorizing. He is actually treating COVID patients who remain in their own homes.



Thursday, October 1, 2020

"Forward" was Obamas Fascist Socialist Adventure for America

Obama, as a former President and US Democratic Presidential Candidate plagiarized the slogan FORWARD from the Italian Socialist Party's newspaper's name Avanti, and interestingly enough became one of Barack Obama's campaign socialist slogans.

Obama, like Mussolini, who had actually been the chief editor of the Italian Socialist Party’s newspaper Avanti had always been a socialist. And like Mussolini Obama is among a group of dissident leftists who wanted to “make the world safe for socialism.”

Today, for American voters one of the first questions is " what are actual fascist beliefs?" and not whether fascism is left or right which is a distraction. 

As the dictator, Mussolini described fascism, “All within the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state.” 

Does this sound more like American traditionalists, with their focus on small government, or the Democrats, who seek to unconstitutionally centralize and aggregate ever more power? Democrats or Republicans?

Mussolini also once said, “I declare that henceforth capital and labour shall have equal rights and duties as brothers in the fascist family.”

Is this reminiscent of American conservatives and their emphasis on economic freedom or the class warfare and regulatory tyranny of our left Democratic Party?

The sad reality is that neo-fascism is in fashion today, but not because of Trump. Rather, by growing government, (the swamp) empowering it to regulate most everything and allowing “crony capitalism,” we get ever closer to Mussolini’s ideal, “All within the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state.” 

Read very carefully the Joe Bidens Democratic Party 2020 Platform and you have just that, “All within the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state.”

Further Democrat icon Franklin Roosevelt’s 1933 book Looking Forward, stated, “Reminiscent of Fascism is the principle that the state no longer leaves the economy to its own devices… Without question, the mood accompanying this [New Deal] sea change resembles that of Fascism.”

The late leftist activist and politician Tom Hayden during a radio appearance on “The Chip Wood Show” years ago, Hayden was accused by a caller of being a “communist agitator.”

The host defended him, saying that Hayden had no problem with business remaining in private hands as long as the government guaranteed things were done “fairly.” Hayden agreed, providing several examples of how the state must ensure goods and services are distributed equitably.

Wood linked their conversation’s outcome in 2010. He told Hayden, “‘What you’ve described isn’t communism or socialism. …Isn’t the system you want—where ownership remains in private hands, but its use is controlled by the government—actually a form of fascism?’”

“There was a stunned silence as I continued, ‘In fact, Tom, isn’t it fair to say that the economic system you want to impose on us in the United States is actually classical fascism, as practiced in Hitler’s Germany and Mussolini’s Italy?’”

Hayden’s response? “Click.” He’d hung up the phone. And that’s what happens when you’re hung up on an ideology that may not be quite as “liberal” as you’d like to fancy.

Like today's Joe Biden who calls himself the Democratic Party by telling the President of the USA on a nationally televised debate to "shut up," to "keep yapping" and further called President Trump a "clown". 

That is Joe Biden's Socialist Democratic Party's answer for the country and their 2020 interpretation of Michelle Obama's political strategy of "When they go low, we go higher.

Source: https://observer.com/2017/05/what-is-neo-fascism-democrats-mussolini/

Monday, September 21, 2020

Stay Focused Voters and Keep America Free from Socialism


Democrats for the past 100 plus years have been about power and the control of it on the citizens they pretend to represent, in my humble opinion. And most recently they have come out of the closet and shadows prior to this 2020 election and clearly reminded all of us about their intentions to ignore and indeed cut the Constitution that they are sworn to uphold.

Time to wake up folks, especially those people of colour who for decades thanks to the Democrats have been kept to the poverty lines of accepting handouts from governments, IMHOPEOPLE as the facts if one cares to enlighten oneself adequately show us all.

For example, the recent Obama/Biden, Clinton illegal political power grabs, including spying and other Nixon like dirty tricks, in an attempt to retain power and or if necessary, to overthrow the incoming President of another political party.

These illegal use of power to ensure the election of Clinton/Obama DNC at all cost without regard for the laws of the land or the wishes of the American citizens as expressed by their votes in a Presidential election #IMHOPEOPLE .

Through a corrupt power grab using arms of the United States Intelligence Community including the National Security Council, The Secretary of State, Secretary of Defense, some members of the Senate and House along with other executive branch officials within the FBI, CIA, DOJ, DOS to name but a few #IMHOPEOPLE.

An epoch-making political scorched earth attempted policy of paralleled abuse of constitutional authority never before witnessed or attempted in the political history of US democracy and its election process.

All with the assistance of global money, political and media interests including within Chicago, New York, California, and yes Russian political operatives, within both the Democratic and Republican establishments.   

All one has to do is review the actions of the Obama, Clinton administration, which has been described by some as perhaps the most corrupt in US history, over the 8 years preceding the 2016 Presidential elections.

It does not take a genius or rocket scientist to connect the dots to follow where and how this Russian Collusion Dossier originated from and for what purposes. It obvious that the press in some form or other was part and parcel of the collision narrative from day one.

For starters, Eric Holden. We all use to know “that every time President Obama broke, bent, ignored or changed the law, the person at his side advising him how to do it had been Eric Holder.” 

So far the dirty tricks and outright illegal operations of spying, FISA warrants against American citizens and Trump campaign members etc have slowly started to be unwoven, even though the press remain fixated on the DNC, OBAMA CLINTON funded political dossier in their attempt to hoodwink the American electorate about who the real TRAITORS of AMERICA are! 

And why is that you might ask. 

Could it be their own unconstitutional activities and hatred of a duly elected President of The US?

Before voting please keep in mind this FACT:

“Real median household income—the amount earned by those in the very middle—hit $65,084 (in 2019 dollars) for the 12 months ending in July. That’s the highest level ever and a gain of $4,144, or 6.8% since Mr. Trump took office. By comparison, during 7½ years under President Obama—starting from the end of the recession in June 2009 through January 2017—the median household income rose by only about $1,000.”








Saturday, September 19, 2020

The Democrats 2020 Platform Read Carefully


Democrats have promised to take or consider the following action once elected.

*  Enact the Green New Deal
*  Provide ALL residents of the USA, legal or illegal, high-quality health care, affordable, safe, and adequate housing among other things
*  Abolish private and unions negotiated health insurance
*  Abolish the border and grant mass amnesty to 25 Million illegals residents
*  Abolish enforcement of immigration and customs ICE
*  Make it easier for immigrants with criminal records to enter the US, including those already deported
*  Legalize voting for convicted felons and thus illegal immigrants
*  Expand welfare benefits and provide free propagandized education and health care to illegal immigrants 
*  Promote federally funded abortion on demand including, in some instances, the crime of killing a baby within a year of birth, referred to as infanticide
*  Suppress your First Amendment speech and religious freedoms
*  Gut the Second Amendment and confiscate your firearms 
*  Ban fracking, thereby reversing America's newfound energy independence 
*  End all new drilling and mining on federal lands
*  Downsize the military
*  Expand the federal administration bureaucracy (the swamp) and erode states' rights
*  Subordinate some of America's sovereign authority to international bodies like the UN
*  Recalibrate US foreign alliances away from Israel and toward Iran
*  Impose a wealth tax
*  Increase the death tax
*  Raise taxes on individuals and businesses by reversing the Trump tax cuts
*  Increase the top marginal income tax rate to 70 percent
*  Empower the government to micromanage what we consume, eat and drink
*  Enact race-conscious laws   
*  Provide slavery reparations
*  Pack the Supreme Court with additional democratic-appointed justices
*  Appoint leftist activist judges throughout the judicial branch
*  Abolish or nullify the Electoral College thus ignoring the Constitution
*  Abolish student debt and tuition
*  Enact a universal basic income to certain groups of Americans or All Americans regardless of their work status
*  Greatly increase the minimum wage
*  Make transgenderism a civil rights issue by mandating gender-neutral restrooms and allowing males to compete in female sports by making gender identity federal civil rights laws


Live Free or Die 



Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Critical Race Theory & its Training is Hate Speech that Encourages Violence Against Whites and Others.


These public sectors and private sector employee learning or training sessions of “critical race theory and “white privilege” are divisive, false and merely Marxist based political ideology that demeans individuals based on their race, religion and creed #IMHOPEOPLE and is contrary to the US Constitution "that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, of Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness regardless of race, religion, or creed."


This divisive, hatred, false, and demeaning propaganda of critical race theory and or its movement and teachings are contrary to all we stand for: Equality, Individualism, Independence, Privacy, Self Help, Competition, Free Enterprise, Laws and Order, Optimism, Domestic Tranquillity, and the Right to Trial by Jury NOT a MOB.


No civil society based on equal justice/social justice for all believes in or supports a Master Race based on the Colour of One's Skin or that those of a specific colour or race are superior or inferior to the others. 

Black lives matter and organization formed from terrorist groups like the weather underground, the Black Panthers is a violent anti-American group that supports a Black Racial hierarchy of institutionalized racial segregation through an authoritarian political culture based on Black Supremacy through Critical Race Theory and White Privilege teachings by indoctrination sessions started by academia and based on Marxist political ideology.

Critical race theory is a lie from start to finish




Saturday, August 22, 2020

America's struggles over education, postal service offer lessons for Canada and Other Countries: Conrad Black


From the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic the Democrats have seen their chances of electoral victory come to depend on a prolonged economic shutdown and massive job layoffs, in order to exploit voter discontent and portray Trump as effectively the Herbert Hoover of the 21st century. The national political media have effectively been Trump’s real campaign opponent since the Democratic nominee, Joe Biden, rarely departs his basement. 

The media have carried the ball and have applied their considerable energies to terrorizing the public about the virus and exaggerating its danger to all sections of the population (it is highly lethal among the elderly, but less dangerous to non-seniors).

The teachers’ unions, long joined-at-the-hip allies of the Democratic party, have solemnly announced that they will not return to the classroom until the virus has subsided completely (by which they mean the day after the election if Biden wins). 

Since elementary school students are in almost no danger of a fatal affliction, and it is believed that children do not transmit the virus as easily to adults, and the great majority of teachers do not have diminished immune systems and are not above the age of 60, with elemental precautions, there is minimal danger of serious problems. 

The president says that those states that do not at least partially return to in-person schooling will become ineligible for federal education assistance, which will instead be directed to private, charter or separate schools, or even neighbourhood home-schooling.

 It is one of the great ironies of modern times in all advanced Western countries that we invest more and more every year in our public education systems, to receive what all objective testing indicates are less and less knowledgeable graduates. 

The U.S. Republican party, President Trump himself and Education Secretary Betsy DeVos have all said throughout the last four years that they would make unprecedented efforts to reverse the decline in educational standards in the United States, which they hold to be uncompetitive with other advanced countries.

It is notorious that education standards have declined and addressing this problem is invariably obstructed by teachers’ unions. Therefore, schools that are better workplace environments, such as private schools and even, up to a point, separate schools, have generally better results.

If the Trump administration is re-elected, it is already well-initiated drive to emphasize schools that will produce more internationally competitive graduates will be reinforced and accelerated. 

While teachers’ unions in the U.S. naturally claim that their only interest is the education and safety of the students, public impatience with their avarice and widespread incompetence has severely damaged their credibility. In the United States and other countries, parents are concerned about this trend and irritated as taxpayers.

Many schools are little better than daycare centres for the slender amount of learning they impart, and apparently, that condition is even worse in many American school districts. To be fair, it is undoubtedly more difficult to educate children who are so thoroughly distracted by modern technological devices that do a great deal of deduction and composition, and almost all physical writing and calculation, for them. 

But in the end, there is no greater contributor to the competitive status of any country and therefore to its ability to prosper and flourish than the quality of its education. Leaving out all the many other issues that have arisen during this election in the United States, this is a policy conflict that could other countries a good deal of guidance in the practicality and benefit of imposing drastic reforms in our school systems.

At the same time, the Trump administration has become so exasperated with the cost, slothfulness and often highly anti-American slant of university education, that it is slowly turning the fiscal screws to require post-secondary schools to achieve greater standards of efficiency and higher standards of diversity of intellectual, sociological and political perspectives. 

There is no suggestion of dictating curriculum, but there is clearly a powerful and vocal ambition to require that universities, as was for centuries their raison d’être, expose students neutrally to a variety of viewpoints, instead of hatred of every aspect of American life and history: sausage factories of unpatriotic bigotry and narrow-mindedness.

 The U.S. Post Office is being dragged into this election because of the Democrats’ desire to promote mail-in votes, in which everyone on the state’s register would be sent a ballot, and voters would be invited to mail back their ballots. Many of those states have no history of conducting free and fair elections by mail, potentially leaving them prone to error and fraud and the accuracy of their voter registration lists can vary wildly.

There is also the issue of huge numbers of ballots getting into the hands of political organizations that return substantial numbers of fraudulent ballots in their own interest. In addition to this mutation of the process, which is called ballot-harvesting, the post office is in no condition to deal with the requirement to mail out and promptly manage the return of up to 100 million votes.

Apart from assuring the absence of a monstrous fraud at the polls, the administration is, in fact, trying to improve the efficiency of the postal service. If it succeeds, that could give other countries useful information about how to deal with the deterioration of our own postal services.

Elections, no matter how chaotic, can sometimes be illuminating.

Source: https://nationalpost.com/author/cblacknp