This liberal party's anointed lieutenant-governor pigeonholed the office with partisan politics when without hesitation or question he pompously went along with the liberal party's hijacking of democracy through its prorogation of the legislature.
It is hard-working, so-called ordinary
Ontarians, who pay the bills, salaries, benefits and pension of the
lieutenant-governor for any real-life performance or non-performance in the
people’s legislature.
The publicly funded Queen’s representative David
Onley, for the liberal party of Ontario as opposed to being an up-front representative for Ontario resident taxpayers, the only response to date for
supporting prorogation of the people’s legislature and not asking other parties
to form a coalition government on behalf of their electorate was based purely
on pompous unwritten principles, non-binding conventions and traditions.
All hogwash in my humble opinion as a mere
mortal and ordinary Canadian and Ontarian!
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