Friday, August 14, 2020

Kamala Harris, Candidate for Vice President - A Profile of Corruption

Kamala Harris, whose father was a Jamaican and her mother from Indian, could be referred to as a portage of Willie Brown when it comes to her political career. How KH has leveraged her political power along the way is more than just troubling.  

Harris’s elevation to national politics is closely tied to one of California’s most allegedly corrupt political machine and investigations into her tenure as a prosecutor has raised disturbing questions her use of criminal statutes in a highly selective manner, presumably to protect her friends, financial partners, donors and supporters.

Most disturbing, Kamala Harris has covered up information concerning major allegations of criminal conduct, including some involving CHILD MOLESTATION.

Further Harris took campaign contributions from slumlords with cases before her office. Her donors included hotel owners citied by city officials, in San Francisco, as a city nuisance, because of the numerous arrests for drug activities, assault, rape, robbery and burglary. As a Vice President candidate of Joe Biden Harris now supports Defunding the Police, Go figure!

If you read the book “Profiles in Corruption” by Peter Schweizer one can easily see that Kamala Harris’s ethical problems, go far beyond simply financial questions.

Perhaps the deepest and most troubling mystery of Kamala Harris’s tenure as a California prosecutor centres on the disturbing issue of sexual abuse of children by priests. Harris’s handling of the widespread priest abuse scandal in San Francisco and later in the entire state of California raises far more questions about her ability to uphold the laws of America, which she was sworn to obey and uphold. As during Harris’s decade-and-a-half tenure as a chief persecutor Kamala Harris FAILED to PROSECUTE a SINGLE CASE of PRIEST ABUSE and her office HIDE VITAL Records on abuse that had occurred despite the protests of many victims groups.

Kamala Harris’s blind eye to priest sexual abuse was just part of a pattern of favoritism that has continually permeated Harris’s career as a prosecutor. Her actions represent the ultimate form of leveraging power in the criminal justice realm-deciding NOT to Pursue Criminal Charges.

In other matters involving her “Back on Track” initiative which was fraught with numerous problems that Harris hopes the public would and will ignore about her mismanagement and cronyism, #IMHOPEOPLE

The problem with this so-called job training program that Harris enrolled illegal immigrants and violent criminals such as Alexander Izaguirre was that these illegals could not legally hold because of their illegal immigration status.

Harris could not and has never offered an explanation. Instead, she simply explained that ”enforcing federal immigration laws was not her job.”  Never mind that HER OATH of OFFICE REQUIRED Her to Enforce the laws of the state and to protect and defend the Constitution of the USA.

Kamal Harris, now Joe Bidens pick for a running mate as Vice |President has and shall continue to use any and all political power as either a prosecutor or candidate to continue leveraging her rise to power by protecting corrupt allies, donors and friends #IMHOPEOPLE as a leper does not change is stripes. And sometimes leverage is exercised through the proxy of family. Just ask Joe Biden about that one!

Source and thanks to Peter Schweizer for his book “Profiles in Corruption.”

 Kamala Harris Radical Agenda

1.     Supports Decriminalizing Illegal Immigration

2.     Rejects Building a Wall on Southern Border

3.     Compares ICE to KKK

4.     Supports Government-Run Health Care for ALL Illegal Immigrants

5.     Supports Elimination of All Private/Employee Health Care Plans

6.     Supports & Co-Sponsored Green New Deal

7.     Against USA Energy Independence

8.     Wants to Repeal President Trumps’ Tax Cuts for the Middle Class

9.     Wants to Increase Taxes on All Americans

10.Wants to Ban illegal Firearms

11.Supports Increasing Regulations

12.Supports War on the American Suburbs

13.Supports Packing of the USA Supreme Court

14.Supports Ending the Constitutional Filibuster

15.Supports Abortion at Any Stage




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