Monday, October 5, 2020

More People Survive Corona-Virus than Cancer


Why has the media not been upfront, factual and honest with the American public and voters about the 97.18% SURVIVAL rate of Americans who beat the Chinese COVID 19 virus and the Worldwide SURVIVAL rate is 97.05%

And yet the survival rate in the USA for Childhood Leukemia Cancer is at 87.7% and the female Breast Cancer survival rate is 88.6% throughout the USA currently both of which are far worse than that of this Chinese Covid19 virus.

An estimated 9.5 million people died of cancer worldwide. That's about 26,000 people each day and 1 out of every 6 deaths. About 600,000 cancer deaths happen in the U.S. each year

It's time for America and the world to get its act together and get back to work and stop being afraid of fear and stop listening to the doom and gloom and disinformation being spun by the mainstream media #IMHOPEOPLE

Proof home-based treatment trumps the failed Fauci model

What are the lessons learned from scientific research?

Lesson 1: COVID-19 is not the death sentence we had at first thought. For healthy 74-year-olds who do not smoke tobacco, don’t drink alcohol and have no serious medical conditions such as heart disease, lung disease, diabetes, kidney disease, or morbid obesity, recovery rate is better than 95%.

Lesson 2: Early treatment at first sign of symptoms is critical. Thousands of front-line physicians in the U.S. and around the world have been saying this from the beginning. Early treatment is the principle that guides almost all medical practice – from heart disease to diabetes to cancer. In viral diseases, early treatment is critical. Patients need antiviral medicines, vitamins, minerals, known immune boosters, fresh air and sunshine.

Studies confirm early treatment for COVID-19. In more than 130 studies compiled at, the early-treatment studies using hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) showed a favorable effect of HCQ with other antivirals, with a median improvement of 64%. We accept 30-40 percent as a “success” with flu vaccine. Why wouldn’t 64% improvement with antiviral medicines be considered a huge success? Even the majority of late treatment studies in very sick hospitalized patients showed around 25% improvement with HCQ.

Lesson 3: Doctors have now learned what medicines work and when to use them. Many physicians across America – myself included – are using a combination approach to early treatment for COVID, keeping patients at home for treatment with family and loved ones around them helping to implement the physicians’ recommendations.

A peer-reviewed algorithm by lead author Baylor cardiologist Peter McCullough, M.D., and colleagues from major US and Italian medical centers shows the widely available, safe medicines targeted for each stage of COVID-19 illness. Doctors already use these generic medicines day in and day out for many conditions. They now show impressive success with COVID-19.

Dr. McCullough’s team of experts recommend cheap, safe, FDA-approved medicines – HCQ with azithromycin or doxycycline, possibly ivermectin or colchicine, inhaled budesonide or the more potent oral prednisone, anticoagulants, supplemental zinc, vitamin C and vitamin D, and home oxygen concentrators.

With the possible exception of mechanical ventilation, almost all the treatment modalities treatment used in hospitals can be implemented at home – faster, better tailored to the individual, at lower risk of other infections common in hospitals and at dramatically lower cost.

Lesson 4: LATE stage treatment of COVID carries a high risk of ICU admission, mechanical ventilation and death. The failed Fauci model –telling patients to go home, self-quarantine, do nothing and go to the ER if they get sicker – exacerbated by the FDA’s statements discouraging HCQ use, has caused the U.S. COVID death rate to be in the world’s top 10.

Lesson 5: Widespread use of home therapy could prevent thousands of deaths and hospitalizations. The pathophysiological rationale and protocol published in the prestigious American Journal of Medicine gives much needed hope for physicians and patients around the world. Dr. McCullough is not just theorizing. He is actually treating COVID patients who remain in their own homes.


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