Thursday, October 17, 2024

The Undoing of US Border Security and Protection


October 17, 2024

The Biden/Harris administration reversals of the Trump Administration's significant border-related executive orders continue to directly lead to changes in migrant crossing patterns at the U.S. southern border. Key actions taken by the administration, which have contributed to ongoing illegal migrant border violations include:

The cumulative impact of these policy reversals has been a significant increase in migrant crossings at the U.S. southern border. The Biden/Harris administration's changes created new incentives for migrants, particularly asylum seekers, as they anticipated better treatment and greater opportunities for entry under the new administration.

1.    Suspension of the "Remain in Mexico" Policy (Migrant Protection Protocols - MPP)

This Trump-era policy which had required asylum seekers to wait in Mexico for their U.S. immigration hearings. By halting new enrollments in MPP it has allowed millions of migrants into the U.S. This reversal led to millions of asylum seekers being allowed into the U.S. while their claims were processed, contributing to an increased influx of migrants at the border.

2.     Suspending Deportations:

Early in his presidency, Biden announced a 100-day pause on deportations, which faced legal challenges and was blocked by a federal judge. Nonetheless, the intention behind the pause sent a message of leniency on immigration enforcement

3.    Termination of Border Wall Construction and Border Wall Maintenance:

On his first day in office, President Biden issued an executive order to halt the construction of the U.S.-Mexico border wall and terminate the national emergency declared by Trump concerning the southern border. This action halted border wall construction and redirected funds, leaving significant gaps in border infrastructure, and creating opportunities for increased unauthorized crossings by millions of migrants.

4.    Reversal of Asylum Restrictions and Cooperative Agreements

Biden/Harris Administration revoked Trump's executive orders restricting access to asylum and repealed cooperative agreements with Northern Triangle countries (El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras). Under these agreements, asylum seekers could be removed from the US to these countries to seek protection there and NOT in the USA. The Biden/Harris Administration revoked increased opportunities for illegal asylum seekers to remain in the U.S. while their cases are processed. Biden/Harris Administration's changes were a direct incentive for more individuals from Central America to attempt illegal border crossing.

5.    Executive Order on Root Causes of Migration:

While aiming to address the causes of migration from Central America, such as poverty and violence, this approach is more long-term and has not yielded immediate results in reducing the flow of migrants arriving at the border. Meanwhile, many migrants continued to arrive, often overwhelming the system designed to process them.


The cumulative impact of these policy reversals has been a significant increase in migrant crossings at the U.S. southern border. The Biden/Harris administration's changes created new incentives for migrants, particularly asylum seekers, as they anticipated better treatment and greater opportunities for entry under the new administration.

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