Thursday, September 20, 2012

Are Toronto Gays So Gay that they Have Become HETEROPHOBIC Individuals?

Would it be fair to say, that Toronto’s mainstream media has become over zealous, in their never ending goal in attempting to force the ideals and beliefs of gays, lesbians and bisexual on all Torontonians, through their efforts to create a society that must conform to only one viewpoint?

As when individuals do not conform to this rigid view of acceptance the media backed by these special interest groups rush to a personal judgment and immediately label those Torontonians or others as being homophobic?

For example the actual Latin South American translation of “Tu ere Maricon” is You are Gay", nothing more, nothing less!

Torontonians or others who refer to gays as being gay are definitely NOT uttering a homophobic slur as the media and these special interest groups would like us all to believe based on their own bias and rush to judgment.

Such hasty critical analysis and personal judgments made against those Torontonians or other peoples from around the world is itself a form of bullying and creates a reverse method of discrimination.
Therefore why is it that the media seems to cast people as purely statistics or a deck of cards, when we are not?

All Torontonians as individuals have lives, relationships, families, reject or accept social trends and have that right and freedom to make choices without being bullied, coerced or intimidated by either side of an issue?  

Perhaps if gays seek do not wish to be publicly identified as gays then they themselves are HETERO PHOBIC individuals! 

Or if a heterosexual can be so easily labelled as a homophobic for his beliefs and ideals of wanting to keep marriage solely between a man and a woman, then obviously a gay or lesbian individual should be as easily labelled a heterophobe for their ideas and demands for changing marriage laws around the globe to legalize heterophobia within society as a special interest group?



Tuesday, September 18, 2012

No Canadian Flag in Quebec Legislature then No Federal Equalization Payments for Quebec Separatist Government

In 1994 to 2003 while snubbing our country’s flag and its citizens from the rest of Canada, Quebec separatists, as now,  had their hands out to Canadians from other provinces and received over $27 BILLION dollars from Canadian taxpayers.

Now today in 2012 once again like in 1994 to 2003 this separatist PQ government has removed the Canadian flag from the provincial legislature and yet remains in line to annually receive some $7.391 BILLION dollars in further equalization payments while they are in office in addition to the  BILLIONS they received last time they were elected to office.

This separatists ritual of removing the Canadian flag from the provinces legislature is an insult to the history of our nation and especially the people of Canada who continually contribute BILLIONS of their hard earned tax dollars to the government of Quebec be it a separatist government or not.

The 4,126,654 MILLION Quebecers who did not cast a single vote for Pauline Marois and her separatist Quebecois party deserve real leadership and NOT childish tantrums involving political rituals.

Pauline Marious and her fellow elected separatist representatives of a minority group 1,394,765 Million Quebecers from a total 5,919775 eligible voters would be well advised not to pretend that they somehow think they can speak for the majority of Quebecers while attempting to mooch of the rest of Canada.

Time for Canadians across Canada to demand that our elected federal government representatives of Canadians from all parties get real backbones and advice the minority PQ separatists’ government in Quebec that while the Canadian flag remains absent from the Quebec legislature and its offices all equalization payments shall cease. 

Up Date

Monday, September 17, 2012

Moderate Muslims all have their Heads in the Sand along with those at the White House.

Is Susan Rice, the Obama’s administration appointed ambassador to the United Nations, a complete imbecile or is it that she and the administration are not capable of mentally grasping the fact that radical Muslims and their silent followers despise all non Muslims and further do not accept the freedoms of religion, speech, equal rights for women etc as guaranteed within the Constitution of the USA and other civilized democracies? 

Radical Muslim Imams and their Islamic Extremists Followers are showing their hatred for all non Muslims and all civilians of other religions around the World.

Such groups including Al-Qaeda continue to show the world population of non Muslims their intolerance and disrespect for all humans who hold or practice different faiths than that of their own warped interpretation of Islam.  

They continually declare an open ended war of religion against all infidels, non Muslims, until all infidels are forcefully converted to their interpretation of Islam or institutionalized through their totalitarian regimes by means of discrimination, murder or slavery.

They are using Muslims and the religion of Islam as a guise for their own political ideology while the other religions of the world standby watching in disbelief and fail to react with words until after the fact of each and well planned out attacks on non Muslim citizens from around the world. 

It seems that any moderate Muslims are only to be found within the Obama administration, as all the other so called MODERATE Muslims seem to assimilate the past behaviour of citizens within Germany and around the world during the second world war who saw nothing, heard nothing, or new nothing about the killings and inhumane treatment of various religious groups and persons during the totalitarian reign of the third Reich in Germany. 

While the US administration and its United Nations ambassador Susan Rice  have there respective heads in the sand, the new Libyan President Mohammed Magarief insists that the attacks were definitely planned by foreigners from Mali and Algeria who entered Libya a few months ago and had been planning criminal acts since their arrival in Libya.

Will the Obama administration ever wake up to the obvious fact that the people of Middle East must solve there own problems as the American taxpayers can no longer afford to send money to these Muslim Brotherhood governments that continue arising from the ashes of the American backed Arab spring uprisings around that region? 


Saturday, September 8, 2012

The natural resources of Canada belong to all Canadians

With world oil and natural gas prices rising once again Canada urgently needs to promote oil self-sufficiency for Canada and maintain the oil supply from the oil sands first for Canadians.

As such we must promote Canadian ownership of the energy industry by investments from all provinces and the federal government into the exploration for oil in Canada especially the oil sands.

In 1975 when Atlantic Richfield pulled out from the then pioneering oil sands consortium had it had not been for the province of Ontario’s investment of 5% along with Alberta’s 10% and the federal governments 15% which ensured future oil sands developments would continue, today there would be no  potential investors in Canada’s oil sands. 

Working together the federal government along with all provinces and territories must, promote cost effective alternative energy sources by means of a revised Canadian National Energy Program and Board comprised of the federal government and all provinces and territories. 

The natural resources of Canada belong to all Canadians from coast to coasts and NOT solely any one province or territory where our natural resources presently exist or are subsequently discovered.  

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Fatherless Families, Lack of Education, Dropping Out of School are the Individual's Greatest Causes of Poverty that Leads to Guns, Gangs and Violence.

From the outset after acts of violence involving guns, knives, drugs and gangs the media, societies, usually special
 interest groups and those involved, including the perpetrators, ALL attempt first to lay the blame on the police officers and society as a whole BUT  never on those who directly caused the rioting, looting or shootings, beatings, rapes or drug deals? It seems everyone is reluctant to lay out the facts about crime by race, colour or ethnic background. 

What are the reasons for this?  One obvious reason is the fact that "According to 72.2 % of the U.S. population, fatherlessness is the most significant family or social problem facing America.

Along with facts that academia's new norm of Political correctness!

Social justice for all and a revised new world order introduced by bureaucrats so politicians and society, in general, would no longer have to tell it like it is or acknowledge the facts that some humans are failures and lack ambition in life. You see special interest groups along with unelected bureaucrats and technocrats' agenda for a never-ending push for their socialistic collectivization policy that winning is not important and failure is not permitted to exist any longer? This philosophy is total BS.

Let’s keep those thoughts for another day as we know and have known for the past 75 years that individuals who fail to obtain a high school degree are more than twice as likely to fall into poverty along with the fact that a majority of these kids today have no fathers in their daily lives.

We also have the stats confirming that for the past 30 years or more poverty rates throughout North America are highest amongst Blacks, be they African American or African Canadian, aboriginals, Hispanics and Immigrants having English as a Second Language and Students in rural communities.    

For example, in Canada alone, over 40,000 students consisting of mainly Blacks, Aboriginals and (ESL) students continue to drop out of high school annually. Yet our career politicians with their respective political parties and their supportive self-serving special interest groups have to keep asking themselves what are the immensely complex issues that are causing actions of the criminal behaviour of shooing, gangs, violence and drugs?

At least for the last century, the very first cause of poverty, prosperity and inequality relates back to the individuals' lack of basic education, parental guidance and family supervision.

Our children do not learn when we continue down the path of lowering educational standards so no one fails as a feel-good political policy and they shall continue to drop out of school and the cycle of more problems continue as they will not be in a position to be gainfully employable due to their lack of education. 

And thus the disparity of incomes in society between dropouts and professionals or those with a basic educational foundation of a high school diploma or trade shall remain very high, which goes to show the importance of education in eradicating poverty.

Throughout North America, only 41% of Black men graduate from high school and 69% of black children cannot read at grade level in the 4Th grade, compared with 29% among white children.

85% of the government’s welfare spending and 80% of inmates in federal jails,  the majority of them being inner-city black kids, aboriginals, immigrants, (ESL) students along with students in rural communities is spent on these groups within society.

Yet we shy away from these facts because of fears that someone might label us as racists, bigoted for acknowledging the truth! 
Well so be it, because the unprecedented amount of tax dollars being spent on social programs for social justice over the past fifty years has NOT solved an individual’s prosperity, inequality or poverty. 

Because the facts keep telling us that what has always been needed was for one to take full responsibility for one’s own life by first getting elementary and secondary education that has been free to all groups within society.

By dropping out of school both the parents and kids obviously do not understand or accept the fact that to achieve as high social status as possible and to avoid self-inflicted shame and humiliation they must at least finish high school and get a diploma.  

Hopefully today within society more and more people are taking notice of the fact that simply food provision, health care programs and monetary welfare handouts in no way are helping in the eradication of poverty.

Just the opposite as it prolongs one's existence and reliance on such handouts.  

With close to 50,000 kids in Canada annually dropping out of school coupled with the existing 3,500,000 MILLION plus individuals between the ages of 18 to 35 who lack a high school education and are the leading burden on Canada’s welfare, health care, and prison systems you think these kids, society and the career politicians with their respective political parties would get the picture.

Education itself is not a complicated issue and as a society, we do not need any new models that will improve the educational outcomes for individual students. 

What is urgently needed is a far greater personal effort and commitment by black students themselves and their parents or parent to finish high school and get their individual diplomas or trade as their personal investment within society. 

We must demand that our youth be required to remain in school classrooms, trades school or apprenticeship programs that continually demand excellence in reading, writing, math and sciences until the age of 21 if they have not graduated.   

Society cannot do it for them! They must want to get an education for themselves as no amount of money will ever change that simple fact. 


“Without a high school education or trade, the individual person will not have the basic and necessary essential tools required throughout life for successfully pursuing a logical deliberate purpose in achieving as high a social status as possible and to avoid self-inflicted shame and humiliation as a human being,” Peter Clarke.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Criminals, Thugs, Gangs, Drugs and Violence the New Toronto and GTA Plus North America

Toronto's problems have mostly been due to youthful criminals, thugs and gangs' disrespect for civil authority, our police officers and law and order by blacks, whites, reds, yellows, greens or pink criminal welfare trailer trash types with illegal guns, knives that involve drugs and gangs.

Torontonians, like North America's legal residents and citizens, have had enough with slap on the wrist justice by activist judges and career politicians passing the buck while eating off the same public trough and politically appointed police chiefs that state there are no gang problems or black crime waves. Even though we do have a gang problem as the violence continues to increase and run rampant throughout the cities and suburbs across Toronto the GTA and indeed the USA.

More financial handouts are NOT the solution! 

The only remedy is education and jobs. However, most of these types of individuals have already dropped out of school and basically society because of continued financial assistance when they should have been at school receiving an education and trades training for future jobs.

Citizens urgently need chiefs of police who clearly understand that THERE is a Gang and Drug problem mainly within the black and Asian communities caused by individuals that have a chip on their shoulder, drop out of high school, do not accept authority, take no responsibility for their shortfalls or life itself and then expect others to pay for their cradle to grave welfare services.

All law-abiding citizens and legal residents urgently require politicians who can lead, take responsibility and uphold the laws.

And who has the political courage to acknowledge and admit that our policies for multiculturalism are failing and that many POC have huge chips on their shoulders and others who are unable or do not leave their former countries' barbaric laws, political problems and biases at our borders?

We need elected judges NOT unqualified lawyers or laypersons appointed by unelected bureaucrats and rubber-stamped career politicians who are purely puppets for their respective political parties.

When if ever will our politicians, judges and courts take seriously the lawlessness and criminal activities of gangs, drug use, thugs and illegally masked lawless protesters and others, with a degree of the highest seriousness before it is too late? As opposed to the current slap-on-the-wrist sentencing? 

We no longer can afford politicians who usurp their rights to behind-the-scenes wire-pullers, special interest groups and unelected or appointed technocrats and bureaucrats to make decisions on behalf of the voters.

As a society, we have permitted non-elected bureaucrats and technocrats to be appointed into positions of setting policy based on special interest groups, unions and biased reasons, ideologies and preferences of forcing their ideals onto all citizens by reducing individual rights to create a society that must conform to only one viewpoint, theirs. And all without any directly elected accountability or authority from the citizens at large. 

Their policies have revolved around taking one's individual rights of the decision-making process away, by allowing others and the unelected bureaucracy within government to decide for us cradle-to-grave responsibilities and decisions, that once were democratically reserved solely for families and individuals.

Decisions and policies that have been far more concerned with the opinions of the unelected media types and the rights of criminals at the direct expense of the victims or
United Nations rules relating to Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners or criminals and the well-being and life of animals, birds and the bees, rather than human life, the rights of law-abiding citizens along with an individual’s responsibility within our fragile democratic civil society.

Wake up people before it is too late and Toronto becomes yet another Detroit MI, Oakland CA, Flint MI, Chicago or ST. Louise MO. etc etc

Photos thanks to the Toronto Star @

Friday, June 29, 2012

Wishing Everyone a Safe, Active and Healthy CANADA DAY Weekend and 4th of July CELEBRATIONS!

The Canadian parliament in 1982 changed Dominion Day to Canada Day and now on every July 1st Canadians celebrate the country heritage with parades, picnics, face paintings, barbeque's and fireworks.

For all those that might be interested in knowing, Canada came from the Iroquois and Huron Indian word Kanata which means village. 

Canada supplies the world with over 75% of maple 
syrup and has three million lakes scattered across the country with over 30,000 of our lakes larger than three square kilometers.

In 1945 the Netherlands gave Canada 100,000 tulip bulbs as a thank you gift for keeping the Dutch Royal Family safe during the Second World War as the Nazis occupied the Netherlands until Canadian soldiers liberated their country in 1944/45. 

In 1987 our Canadian lonnie a one dollar coin replaced the one dollar paper bill as the last paper one dollar paper bill was issued two years later in 1989.

The world’s only flying saucer launching pad was built in 1967 in St. Paul Albert Canada. 

Canada has the world’s largest indoor mall in Alberta, known as the west Edmonton Mall with over 800 stores, restaurants, 26 movie theaters, a hockey ice arena and an amusement park with the world’s largest indoor lake with four working submarines.

I believe that as Canadians we must encourage different cultures NOT to live separate or segregated lives within Canada but come together as Canadians,within the laws of Canada,in support of equality for all and universal human rights as guaranteed under our Canadian constitution.     

Have a safe, active and healthy Canada Day weekend and enjoy also the July 4Th Celebrations of our USA neighbours.