In any day or age and especially in these times of
worldwide terrorism, coupled with the disrespect for life, law, order and
discipline, a civil society’s overall public safety through policing which
involves the prevention and protection of all communities is not best served
through a policy of speech precondition statement (you have the right to walk
away) for interaction by the police with the public within Toronto is the
wrong choice for overall public safety and policing on our streets or within
our communities.
Toronto's former police chief Blair should be
congratulated, not bullied and harassed by the media, for standing firm on
behalf of the majority of law-abiding citizens against the demands of media
activists and others who continually advocate against carding and other police policies
that are valuable public safety measures used in protecting the public at large in these precarious times.
Watering down by strangling the public’s essential
rights to public safety by restricting the policy of carding for all, through a
policy of speech precondition interaction by police is wrong.
We all enjoy the right to remain silent after being
arrested for a crime. In a civil and free society, it is also our civic duty
to openly cooperate and respect a non-confrontational link between police
officers doing their duty as members of the community to serve and protect us
No individual or group has the right to claim
ownership of a city or community as Shawn Micallef of the Toronto Star would
have you believe. Crimes of murder, theft, sexual assault, robbery, break and
enter, stolen vehicles, drug charges etc are hourly reported throughout the city
and communities.
These daily occurrences of breaking laws by individuals regardless of their skin colour are red, white, blue, purple, black, green or yellow, necessitates the occasional arbitrary stops and sometimes intrusive questions of residents on our streets. And remains a very valid policy of public safety in protecting and serving citizens, residents and tourists within Toronto.
These daily occurrences of breaking laws by individuals regardless of their skin colour are red, white, blue, purple, black, green or yellow, necessitates the occasional arbitrary stops and sometimes intrusive questions of residents on our streets. And remains a very valid policy of public safety in protecting and serving citizens, residents and tourists within Toronto.
Toronto’s pressure group activists vow to go to court if THEIR reforms for police carding practices are not implemented by duly elected officials should be a clear indication to law-abiding citizens just who is attempting to be the puppet master of policing and public safety in our communities!
Watering down by dismissing the public’s essential
rights to public safety with a policy of speech preconditioning interaction by
police is wrong.